My current strategy. Do not weigh for a while. Does anyone else do this?



  • amery125
    Yep, I weigh in once every three weeks. : ) I find it's too easy to be discouraged over scale fluctuations otherwise. Plus, it's more exciting to see the scale drop a more significant sort of turns it into a mini-goal to work towards ("weigh-in day is coming up!") and that makes it easier for me to make healthy choices.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    I have done this- I went an entire month without weighing so that I could focus more on my form, how I felt, etc. At the end of the month I had actually gained (mind you, I went to the fair a couple days prior so it could've been water retention to an extent) but lost inches. I now just weigh once weekly, I find it's easier for me than going crazy for a month at a time lol