A "poor me" Moment...

This is a rant. I'm throwing myself a pity party. Anyone else out there getting absolutely zero support from a loved one?!

I can't seem to get an encouraging word from my boyfriend to save my life, I don't just mean with fitness or weight loss. I admit I've known from the start that I'm in a committed long term relationship with a completely unromantic dude and that usually works for me: but refusing to buy me flowers when a) I've been telling him repeatedly for 3.5 years "hey, I've never gotten flowers from a guy, I'd really like if you gave me flowers" and b) he was given a coupon for free flowers and THREW IT AWAY in front of me because "...flowers aren't useful..." Ahhh well, it would be easier to take if he were with me on this whole fitness thing but he refuses to jump on the bandwagon so far. And in the end that more than anything is whats bugging me. I was totally prepared to wait him out too but lately I feel like I'm somehow training in secret, sneaking out early in the morning so I can get a workout in before he wakes up instead of letting him talk me out of it later in the day.

Once again, this has been a rant. I love my boyfriend, we have a great life: he would be perfect if it weren't for the fact that he's not perfect. Anyone else out there who can relate?