Carb intake and weight loss

There are so many different takes on appropriate intake of carbs for good health and weight loss. I'm confused.
The goal that myfitnesspal app has me trying to reach is 305 grams a day.
I'm working on losing weight (ideally lose 50 pounds, but I'd be quite content with 30)
I'm a vegetarian, I do intense cardio for about an hour 4-5 times a week, lift weights, and my work is somewhat physical (massage therapist). I am not a big grain person...haven't been for nearly 20 years when I went (mostly) wheat free. I'm not into breads, and make myself eat half an ezekial English muffin in the morning before my workout, followed by a vegan protein shake afterwards.
I don't eat a lot of rice, I eat quinoa only on occasion, and oatmeal when I am feeling so compelled (usually what I have for breakfast on non-workout days). Pasta is a rarity. I do eat a lot of veggies and beans/legumes.
Often, my carb intake is less that half the goal set by the app.
What is truly healthy? I need the energy, but generally feel really good after eating nuts, or beans, or tons of vegies.
Any nutritionists out there got any advice?


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I'm far from an expert on vegetarianism, but it seems like it would make eating low carb difficult.

    To answer your question, total calories is what matters.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Check your settings. 305 might be wrong.