fed up with dieting and getting hungry between meals

So today I decided I would make a brand new start of this dieting thing. I haven't been doing too terribly, but I haven't been doing great either. I'm not even sure if I lost any weight yet due to fluctuations in weight over the course of a day. Some days I am way below the calorie goal and some days I am way above.

But I was like, this is it! I'm going to eat whole grains and Greek yogurt because those are supposed to make you feel full. I'm going to eat plenty of vegetables. I'm going to only have 25g of sugar per day. I will be totally healthy and lose these 10 pounds without even noticing!

So the day started pretty much as planned...I had my planned breakfast of two slices of whole grain bread, a plain Greek yogurt, two cups of salad greens, and water. I had this around 7:20 A.M. I started getting hungry again around 10 AM! So much for making me feel full! Luckily I brought a midmorning snack...one cup of Cheerios. So I had that and then later I had lunch around 12:30 PM. Lunch was two servings of whole grain crackers, two cheese sticks, water flavored with crystallized lemon, and a little bit of raspberry dark chocolate.

By 3 PM I was STARVING again. Not just slight hunger pangs, full-on nausea, headache, etc. I went to a deli near my workplace to get something to eat. I stupidly got a Clif bar, which has 22g of sugar...I was so hungry I wasn't even thinking clearly. So I ate that and it did NOTHING for my hunger. It was like I had an angry wild animal inside me roaring to get out. This hunger was like all-consuming. And now I only have 500 calories left for the day! I am so upset and still so hungry that I'm going to eat an entire Chipotle burrito for dinner even though it's like 1000 calories.

I'm just so angry. I feel like I've tried so many different foods to try to last without getting hungry between meals. I know someone is going to recommend eating nuts, so I will tell you now, I tried those and they do nothing for me. Plus they're what made me gain 10 pounds in the first place. I feel like MFP has ruined my life in a way. I used to have a healthy relationship with food...I focused on eating healthy, not on weight...and now I am one of those people who obsesses over calories and grams of this or that.

Is this really what my life is going to be like? I have a choice between being constantly hungry, or gaining 10 pounds every couple of years? This just seems like such a zero-sum game. And I don't even know if the total daily calorie expenditure calculations are remotely accurate. What about metabolism? Do I count my half-mile walk to and from the train station as exercise, or does it count as part of the "lightly active" designation I made when I first completed my profile? This stuff is just so inexact. And then there are the people who don't eat enough calories and yet still don't lose any weight, because their metabolism slows to make up for it.

Is there any way to win at this? Or is it just supposed to keep you miserable?


  • jasongrant777
    Ingest much more protein. Load up on meats, legumes, lean cheese, etc.. I have found that this is the only thing that works. Cut all of the sugar out. I suggest using Chobani (sp) 100 for your yogurt. No added sugar. It is sweetened with monk fruit and stevia. Also, chug the water. Even if you aren't thirsty, chug that water. I would also watch those 'whole grains.' Simply put, eating carbs make you want to eat more carbs. I strongly suggest avoiding bread all together. Get your carbs from brown rice, fruits and veggies. I promise if you make some switches, this will be so much easier.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I eat frequently, at lost nearly sixty pounds. I have been maintaining for 5 months.

    I eat breakfast at 7:00 am

    Then I am hungry again at 10:ish so I either have a small snack or an early lunch.

    Lunch is between11:00-11:30

    Afternoon snack is at 2:00 or 3:00 I have to eat between lunch and dinner. MUST.

    Dinner between 5:00-6:00 pm

    snack- a dessert or small snacky thing. Usually eat at 8 or 9 PM. (while watching TV)

    My diary is open. Check me out if you'd like.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I do not follow a specific diet, I just like to eat a little bit all the time. Keeps me from feeling overly full or overly hungry.

    Also, I suck at suffering.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Eat more protein and either low fat or full fat (as opposed to fat free) yogurt. Your breakfast was pretty good but having some fat in the yogurt would make it more filling. Your lunch included 324 calories that were mostly carbs which, in general, don't help you feel full as long. Instead of all of the crackers, you could have had something like a big salad plus full fat dressing or veggies and dip plus another protein (boiled egg, 70 cal tuna packet, etc.)

    I really think that if you focus on getting your protein and fat, you'll feel much more full and satisfied.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    250 calories "spent" on bread is using up so many of your calories it seems. Try substituting that for more protein and fat. I often eat plain yogurt with my cereal instead of milk, along with some fruit and a couple teaspoons of sugar (I like sugar) for breakfast. Or plain yogurt, cottage or ricotta cheese sprinkled with sugar and maybe a sliced banana. Bacon and eggs are very filling and surprisingly low cal. You can even add a couple tablespoons of eggbeaters to your regular scrambled eggs for a super filling omlette base. If you "need" bread you can buy 45 or 40 calorie lite bread that will give you something to put that teaspoon of jelly on. ;)

    I would allot something more than cheerios for a snack. How about 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and an apple? Or an ounce of cheese and a pear? Or 2 slices lite Italian bread and a tablespoon peanut butter (about 175 calories).

    Try a huge salad for lunch with some meat on it and lots of veggies besides the lettuce. I buy Hellmans Balsalmic Vinegairette in a giant bottle and its only 60 calories for 2 tablespoons. Super good and spreads out nicely over a large salad. My go to "filling" salad always has one ounce of crumbled gorgonzola or regular blue cheese and some sun dried tomatoes. The combination of blue cheese, sun dried tomatoes and the hellman's balsalmic vinegairette dressing really satisfies me.

    This should leave you plenty of calories for an afternoon snack, supper and a small evening snack.

    You don't have to suffer if you just plan things and select foods that fill you up that you like.

    Feel free to look at my diary but be advised that I DO NOT EAT CLEAN and my downfall is sodium. Calories I can manage however.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why are you only going to have 25 grams of sugar a day? you can eat sugar, maintain a calorie deficit, be happy, and lose weight….25 grams is way too restrictive...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are you stats (height/weight/age/gender)? where did you get 1600 calories a day from?
  • coruscatti
    Ingest much more protein. Load up on meats, legumes, lean cheese, etc.. I have found that this is the only thing that works. Cut all of the sugar out. I suggest using Chobani (sp) 100 for your yogurt. No added sugar. It is sweetened with monk fruit and stevia. Also, chug the water. Even if you aren't thirsty, chug that water. I would also watch those 'whole grains.' Simply put, eating carbs make you want to eat more carbs. I strongly suggest avoiding bread all together. Get your carbs from brown rice, fruits and veggies. I promise if you make some switches, this will be so much easier.

    Thanks for your input. I am eating the Chobani yogurt already, since it has only 4g of sugar, which is much less than all the other brands I've seen. I also think I am going to add a serving of lentils to my breakfast. That may give me the boost needed until lunchtime.

    I actually used to eat brown rice and nuts for breakfast a couple of months ago and it was the same story...I would be hungry by 10:30. What was interesting is that when I had nuts with my breakfast, I would have a "fat" feeling but then also feel hungry at the same time.
    My diary is open. Check me out if you'd like.

    Thanks for the suggestions! I will check your diary out :)
    jemhh wrote: »
    Eat more protein and either low fat or full fat (as opposed to fat free) yogurt. Your breakfast was pretty good but having some fat in the yogurt would make it more filling. Your lunch included 324 calories that were mostly carbs which, in general, don't help you feel full as long. Instead of all of the crackers, you could have had something like a big salad plus full fat dressing or veggies and dip plus another protein (boiled egg, 70 cal tuna packet, etc.)

    I really think that if you focus on getting your protein and fat, you'll feel much more full and satisfied.

    Thanks for your response. I actually didn't realize the yogurt was fat free until after I had already bought it and I was disappointed over that. I'm not sure if Chobani makes full-fat Greek yogurt but if I can find it I will buy it next time.

    Also another complication is that we don't have a break room at my job so everything I bring has to be stuff that can last at room temperature until lunchtime. Otherwise I would probably just have a turkey and Provolone sandwich and green beans for lunch every day like I did at previous jobs. We are moving to a new building in January with a break room so that will help a lot with meal planning.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you're getting that hungry, your weight loss goal may be too aggressive. If you're going for 2 pounds per week, cut back to 1.5 or 1 pound and see how you feel with the extra calories. I should also say that crackers and cheese sticks doesn't make a filling lunch; I'm not surprised you were starving so soon.

    You are eating a lot of carbs. Carbs disappear pretty quickly, they also create a craving for more carbs, at least for me. Focus on lean protein and veggies for the vast majority of your calories. Don't forget that fruit is mostly sugar, too.

    My breakfast is usually an Atkins bar because they are high in protein and low in sugar. Some mornings it's plain 0% Greek yogurt (I buy the large container and portion it out) with a handful of frozen raspberries and a packet of Splenda or some agave syrup. By the time I get to work to eat it, the raspberries are thawed.

    A typical lunch for me would be a 6 ounce can of albacore tuna with 2 tablespoons of Miracle Whip Lite and some diced cucumbers. I'll sometimes eat that on a bed of lettuce, sometimes just with a fork and have some other veggies on the side. Other times it's turkey or chicken breast and cheese wrapped in a lettuce leaf. Some days I get a cheese burger, no bun, in the cafeteria at work and load on lettuce, tomatoes and pickles. I eat the burger with a knife and fork.

    I'll often have a tiny snack at around 1 or 2 o'clock. A cheese stick or a handful or nuts, more as a pre-emptive strike against feeling hungry shortly before dinner.

    Dinner is almost always a lean protein with a side of steamed veggies and either a green salad or a small amount of rice or potatoes.

    I almost always have a snack between dinner and bedtime. It's usually popcorn or nuts but I'll occasionally indulge in something sweet because I'll be going to bed soon and it won't kick me into a raving sugar maniac before then.

    I regularly eat somewhere between 1200 and 1400 calories each day and I'm rarely stomach-growling hungry or even hungry at all.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2014
    coruscatti wrote: »
    Also another complication is that we don't have a break room at my job so everything I bring has to be stuff that can last at room temperature until lunchtime. Otherwise I would probably just have a turkey and Provolone sandwich and green beans for lunch every day like I did at previous jobs. We are moving to a new building in January with a break room so that will help a lot with meal planning.

    You might look into buying a lunch box that has a freezable insert. It's what I use. I spent about $10 on it at Costco and it's awesome. I don't always trust the fridge in the office because I've had things disappear and the last office I was in only had one of those teeny, tiny dorm-sized fridges that got full quickly. The freezer pack still has a frozen core when I get home in the evenings. The trick is just to remember to put it back into the freezer when you get home so it's frozen again in the morning. :)
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    I personally don't find bread to be filling. I replaced my regular two slices of toast with a bag of beef jerky, lol, and have felt better.

    Honestly though, I (personally) find hunger inevitable on a calorie deficit. I know some people say that they don't feel hungry, they eat lots of vegetables, etc., but no matter what I eat (tons of protein, tons of veg), I'm still not really 'full' all the the time. I've just adjusted to accept it.

    You could also exercise to eat more.
  • coruscatti
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    what are you stats (height/weight/age/gender)? where did you get 1600 calories a day from?

    MFP told me to eat 1600 calories a day to lose half a pound per week. I am female, 23, 5'4", currently around 128 pounds and I want to get down to 120. I put that I am "lightly active" because my job (biological research technician) requires a lot of walking around and going up and down stairs, but I also have long periods of time when I can sit.
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why are you only going to have 25 grams of sugar a day? you can eat sugar, maintain a calorie deficit, be happy, and lose weight….25 grams is way too restrictive...

    The FDA recommends 25g of sugar a day for women and 35g of sugar a day for men.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I had to find different combinations of food that helped me to feel fuller longer. Foods that are higher in protein, fiber, and a little fat help me to keep from getting nauseous and cranky. A protein - fiber Special K breakfast shake with some apples for breakfast or a hard boiled egg. Snacks may include a handful of nuts with apples, or a laughing cow cheese wedge with carrots, a snack pack of hummus with carrots, or two graham cracker sheets with peanut butter. Lunch may consist of tuna salad made with hard boiled egg, relish, and greek yogurt. Sometimes salad with lots of veggies, a little bit of vinaigrette dressing, possibly hard boiled egg or some tuna. I usually add some type of fruit on the side and a pack of flavored Gerek yogurt. Some days I have Subway sandwiches and baked chips. After exercising, I usually have 700 calories left for dinner and use Clean Eating magazine recipes to come up with dinners that fill me up without breaking the calorie bank. If I have lots of calories left at the end of the night, I like to have a piece of dark chocolate or snack pack of Cracker Jacks or something. I also drink a LOT of water, especially when I think I am hungry. This has helped to prevent me from eating every time I am thirsty.

    It takes some trial and error to find foods that you enjoy and keep you full. Keep at it, and you will find what works for you.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    You need more protein, and you lunch sounded like a snack to me. No wonder you are so hungry. Why not pack a salad with grilled chicken on top and a serving of fruit on the side (like an apple)? Breakfast was ok but might find it more filling to have something like eggs with veggies mixed in or oatmeal with fresh fruit and yogurt on the side. Just some suggestions, those are things I eat and I don't really feel that hungry in between. Nuts can be a great snack but I highly suggest to weigh them out to a serving. You can eat a lot of nuts without noticing if you are just reaching into the bag. Always weight/measure your food so you know how many calories you are really eating. Good luck.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    coruscatti wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    what are you stats (height/weight/age/gender)? where did you get 1600 calories a day from?

    MFP told me to eat 1600 calories a day to lose half a pound per week. I am female, 23, 5'4", currently around 128 pounds and I want to get down to 120. I put that I am "lightly active" because my job (biological research technician) requires a lot of walking around and going up and down stairs, but I also have long periods of time when I can sit.
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why are you only going to have 25 grams of sugar a day? you can eat sugar, maintain a calorie deficit, be happy, and lose weight….25 grams is way too restrictive...

    The FDA recommends 25g of sugar a day for women and 35g of sugar a day for men.

    those FDA recommendations are garbage. I probably eat 100 grams of sugar a day and I have had no issue getting weight off, maintaining, bulking, etc, so personally, i would not worry about your sugar intake, unless you have a medical condition, or unless it is make you go over on your calorie goal.

    If you just make some slightly better choices you should not have an issue with getting to your goal weight. With only 8 pound to lose it is probably going to take you longer to drop those eight pounds.

    You would benefit from something like ..

    two eggs for breakfast and english muffin

    turkey sandwich for lunch with some cottage cheese

    fish/steak/chicken for dinner with some vegetables and rice

    and then fill in the rest of your day with some snacks..

    Have you ever considered an exercise regimen like lifting weights or running?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh - and get a food scale and weigh, log, measure everything….
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    coruscatti wrote: »
    Is there any way to win at this? Or is it just supposed to keep you miserable?
    Until you change your attitude and exercise some discipline, it's going to be a miserable, failing experience. I am not trying to be unkind, but the reality is most people give up.

    It's simple but very hard. You eat to a slight deficit with the intention of losing 1 pound per week. It may take some time before you find your zone when it comes to logging in food and exercise burn. And yes, they'll be times when you must deny yourself.

    The ability to buck up, gather energy, make changes and stay in the fight is what separates a winner from a loser.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Chobani makes a 2% yogurt. I'm not sure about full fat though. I'm a Noosa addict so I tend to ignore other brands (except Fage with honey.)

    Why the focus on sugar? As opposed to anything else, that is?
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Are you hungry or thirsty? Sometimes the body gets them confused. im good with a cliff bar for a while. However from your diary I only see 3 cups of water.
  • coruscatti
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I probably eat 100 grams of sugar a day and I have had no issue getting weight off, maintaining, bulking, etc, so personally, i would not worry about your sugar intake, unless you have a medical condition, or unless it is make you go over on your calorie goal.

    The sugar thing is not really so much about losing weight as it is about being healthy in general. I was reducing my sugar even before I realized I had to lose weight.
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Have you ever considered an exercise regimen like lifting weights or running?

    I really really hate running (high school track ruined it for me) but I go to the gym about once a week and do the elliptical with a lot of resistance/slope. I also have started a new weight regimen to do every other day, nothing too serious but I did the same weight regimen regularly last year and got pretty strong muscles after a couple of months.
    jemhh wrote: »
    Why the focus on sugar? As opposed to anything else, that is?

    Because sugar is bad for you?