I love food

Keprap1 Posts: 2
edited October 2014 in Introduce Yourself
I know people on here don't wanna be friends with people like me who complain but I need to express myself. I want to be completely honest. I hate diet and exercise. This sucks! Dieting is depressing for me and I can think about my results all I want but at the end of the day I still love food more deep down inside. I want to have more friends on here but I am not going into this process with a positive attitude. I love food but I hate being fat. Which is why I guess I need a lot of support. I'm only into my second week of dieting and I am having a lot of food withdrawl symptoms. I felt like *kitten* And thought I looked like crap before I started dieting but atleast I had food...I ate whatever I wanted. Like its the perminant life change I just can't make. I can lose weight but it don't matter. I'll be fat again by Christmas. Im trying again that's all I can say right now. :\ there is now a ton of Halloween candy in the house... And I just want to eat it all. I could go through an entire bag. It's taking everything I have to try not to think about the Halloween candy at home AND work. :#


  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Its no wonder you are struggling when you think of it is a diet and allow all the negative thoughts to creep in. Just take it day by day and try to remember why you started. And hopefully you will find the path that works for you.

    I hate dieting also. Well maybe that is not a secret but its true. And I quit dieting 555 days ago (about the time I signed up for MFP). Its no longer a diet for me but a way of life. I have lost 77-80 lbs since joining this site (it took about a year) and I never -- EVER -- felt deprived.

    Sure I had to make choices but if I wanted candy, I ate candy. Just not the entire bag. If I wanted pizza, I ate it but not either the entire pie (not always true) or not all the time.

    The key to success is losing weight is to find a balance and allow yourself to enjoy life. For me that was discovering how many cals a day I burn (used my fitbit for this) and eating less than that (calorie counting and weighing all my foods to make sure I was accurate in the amount I ate) to lose weight. I was able to fit ice cream, beer, pizza, chocolate, pasta, bread, hamburgers AND fries within my calorie limits. Yep, I said it. I ate whatever I wanted so long as it fit in my calorie goal and I am down nearly 80 lbs.

    I hit maintenance about 8 months ago and have been able to stick with it because I stuck to the same principle -- eat what I want, but only what fits within my calorie goal for the day.