Gained 7 lbs Since Yesterday Following Gallbladder Surgery



  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Yeah, I had my gallbladder removed last year. I'm glad the pain isn't too bad for you. I was in horrrrrrible pain for about a week. They pump you full of gas to expand your abdomen so they can see everything and it takes a while for the gas to go away. It took about a week until I could even lay down without having the pressure on my lungs from the gas. Don't worry about the weight. It's all just lots of fluids and the gas. Remember you just had surgery you probably also have swelling too. It'll take a week or so, but you'll get back to normal. Hang in there!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I have and wish u speedy recovery :)
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    i had mine out 4 weeks ago now

    i was puffy and swollen for days... the iv fluids and such take a while to get out of your system..

    the huge ab is due to the air they pump into your body so they can actually do the surgery... walking helps it disapate faster and drinking lots of water will help flush out what they gave you...
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Wow, I knew it would be big, but not that big. I weighed in yesterday morning at 197, had gallbladder surgery, spent the night at the hospital and weighed in tonight (back home again) at 204. Not worried about it, but feel it's my body reacting to surgery, IV, pain meds, and such. My stomach feels (and looks) huge. Has anyone else had gallbladder surgery? Pain isn't as bad tonight. Hoping for a quiet weekend and easier movement in the next few days.

    I wish you well in your recovery. But, the day after major surgery you are weighing yourself and worrying about a few lbs wt gain? I'm kinda lost or maybe I have different priorities. At any rate,
    Be Well
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    I had gall bladder surgery in march (laproscopic). I did not weigh myself after surgery but I did measure my waist the next day and I had gained just shy of 7 inches!!!! That is from all that gas they pump into the abdomen. Oh and as it disappates it will "move" around and may cause extreme pain in your shoulders... I could actually watch the bubble move from low to very high between my took about a week to go away.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    Thats due to IV fluids and third spacing. Also, inflammation following surgery. Drink plenty of water and you will shed it no problem..;-) give it a week or so before weighin again.
  • rysgal123
    rysgal123 Posts: 27
    I had mine removed in November. It was the scariest month for me before surgery. SO much pain. I had lost 20lbs before my surgery in a month because i couldn't eat anything without have a stone attack. Once i had the surgery, from all the med and the air the fill ya with, i gain a few pounds, but like ccann stated, i gained all the weigh i had lost and have not been able to lose it since. I have been working hard and watching what i eat and should have been able to lose something by now, but i have been the same weight since January.
    The recovery time was really fast. I was off work for a wk, and was back to my regular household routine after a few days. I was back to working out after about 2 wks.
    Good luck and feel better soon!
  • This board is really helpful! I had gallbladder surgery yesterday. I weighed in at 164.6, left the hospital at 170.9 (!), and I am already back down to 168.6. I was a little nervous, but it seems that most posters were able to take that post-op weight off fairly quickly.
  • JennH1987
    JennH1987 Posts: 1 Member
    I just wanted to add my thanks to everyone for their responses. I had gallbladder surgery yesterday, and I am up 10 lbs and have barely eaten in 3 days. It was a relief to see that others have gone through the same thing. I'm looking forward to feeling less sore and getting back to the gym in about a week. I've been making myself get up and walk around the house, am I supposed to be doing more than that, walking-wise?
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    I wish I had searched this thread last week. I had mine removed on the 5th. I was hospitalized five days prior due to a gallstone in my pancreas that caused pancreatitis. I couldn't figure out how I has gained 2 pounds after being on an an NSO IV strict diet for 4 days. After three days at home I lost 10 pounds and the shoulder pain was still incredible.
    One more week off of work but I am starting to feel slightly human again. Still can't do much and made the mistake of picking up one of my beagle pups. I was sorry.
    To all who have had it I hope a speedy recovery. So far my diet has not changed except peanut butter makes me very ill. I had to go back to chicken broth for the rest of the day after trying that.

  • hkied
    hkied Posts: 46 Member
    I also had my gallbladder removed, I was sick for 3 yrs before so I was pretty thin. I felt sooooo much better after surgery BUT my wieght climbed on fast because I could finnally eat. So becareful not to eat all you want it will catch up to you!
  • bellashady
    bellashady Posts: 1 Member
    I Felll so much better after reading these posts, it had taken me one month to lose 8lbs with low fat diet in preparation for op, so was gutted to get on scales to have put 6lbs back the day after, feeling still bloated and breathless but know now must just be all the air and fluids inside, its day three, looking forward to more mobility today, have given in and taken more painkillers but need to get moving bit more, good luck everyone xx
  • Xingy01
    Xingy01 Posts: 83 Member
    I had gallbladder surgery a month ago. I gained about 10 lbs in water weight and my body held onto it while healing. Then one day it just disappeared. It will take 2-3 weeks. Don't worry about it.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    It's IV fluids. I had a 6 pound fibroid tumor removed and weighed more after surgery than I did before--it was all fluid. My toes looked like little sausages. It'll be gone in a couple of weeks.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Wow, I knew it would be big, but not that big. I weighed in yesterday morning at 197, had gallbladder surgery, spent the night at the hospital and weighed in tonight (back home again) at 204. Not worried about it, but feel it's my body reacting to surgery, IV, pain meds, and such. My stomach feels (and looks) huge. Has anyone else had gallbladder surgery? Pain isn't as bad tonight. Hoping for a quiet weekend and easier movement in the next few days.

    My friend just had an ovarian cyst remove, I know it's not gallbladder surgery, but she's experiencing the same things. Bloated stomach, lots of medications, and all the joys of puffiness. The major part of the weight is the IV fluids you were probably on, they have a rather high sodium content unless you specifically ask for a lower sodium bag which I found out they do have and will ask for any time I am in the hospital. It's just sodium from fluids. I was hospitalized the day before my wedding because of dehydration and I gained about seven pounds from the IV drip of fluids. They just make you all bloated and uncomfortable.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    I had gallbladder surgery and lost a large amount following the surgery due to not being able to eat much food. I also lost a lot before my surgery due to not being able to eat many different foods.

    I recovered very quickly (2 weeks and I felt almost normal)
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    I just had my gallbladder removed on the 4th. When I went to the doctor on the 2nd I weighed 176.6, the day of surgery i weighed 174.4 and on the 9th after days of IV fluid, not moving around at all, eating, and hefty hefty doses of narcotics I weighed in at 204...

    I gave myself a quick weigh in yesterday and things are settling back down. I'm finally back to work after 10 days so i'm hoping my weight will go back to where it was (on the day of my surgery lol). I still feel really bloated and like my body isn't back to where it should be. At least my digestive systems are back on track now that I'm off my painkillers.
  • GottaLose23
    GottaLose23 Posts: 8 Member
    Likely a dead spot in posts.... but I had my gallbladder out yesterday after three grueling attacks in five days... I truly couldn’t eat anything. Went in weighing 181 and came out at 190; I was thinking the scale must be broke because there’s no way they remove an organ, and I’m heavier afterwards... Right?
    Well, glad I found this cause up was down, black was white, and dogs and cats were living with each other... I’m down to half that gain this AM, 186.

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,403 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed last summer. When I came by (after curling up sideways several times in the wakeup room and telling everyone to let me sleep and this is only a dream because the operation is only next week (they put it forward by a week)) my tummy didn't look too bad apart from some blood from curling up on the side continuously. The swelling only came the next day. And yeah, probably i.v. fluid and steroids that they gave me, plus lack of movement. I think it was about 2kg 'extra'. it took a while to come off. of course swelling from the surgery leads to more water weight, but also moving less. I stood on my inline skates three days later though; the shop I needed to go to was too far for walking, and my bike has a very sporty sitting position. Ahem.. not the best idea, but anyway. it will come off. Don't worry.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    edited April 2020
    I had my gallbladder out over Labor Day weekend. I looked 6 mo pregnant right afterwards from the gas and the iv fluids. And the meds caused constipation, which made it all worse. Walking around helped a lot. It was painful to move at first, but Husband (GI dr) made me hobble around as much as I could (and started me on Miralax, so if you find things, err, sluggish, call your doc before you end up with issues) and both helped. I looked and felt more normal a few days later.

    ETA: by “walking around” I mean walking once around the downstairs, or getting my own water. Not like walking for exercise. After a few days it was walking up and down driveway