Non exercise \ low exercise day's - what to eat!

(sorry if this is in the wrong place!)

So the day's I'm training in the pool or on the bike I'm rosey for eating (pretty much anything!)
The days I run\gym not so much.

Today was a 5.30am start. Coaching from 6-7:30. Breakfast at 7:30/8. Cashew nuts at 11. Lunch at 1. I'm going to have to eat something around 4 because running at 5:30. Dinner at 7(ish).

Today's run is going to give me back approx 400kcal but with only 139 remaining already it doesn't leave much of an option as to what to eat at 4! And that's all provided I don't eat anything off plan.

I need to figure out what to eat and when because day's like today I'm always starving. Any tips? My Diary is open if anyone wants to take a look (ignore last week, it went a bit crazy!)

Am I crazy having the nut's at 11? Take them out and it's 416 calories for 2 x snacks. What would make a good 200 cal snack?

Any thoughts and suggestions most welcome!



  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    I can pack a lot of eating into a snack of 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and some fruits/veggies.

    Protein bars.

    Lettuce wraps with sliced lunchmeat.

    Nuts are very calorie dense and I'm happiest if I eat them on days I need to make up some calories.
  • art_brutale
    art_brutale Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on the triathlon training!

    My sense is that you need to be eating more than you are. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but trust me on this. Increasing your lean protein intake will make you feel fuller, longer. You're training for something right? Triathlon? Must keep the body fueled. I find that as an active woman who lifts and runs (mid distance, with marathon in mind) in order to a) stay fit, (always been an athlete), and b) build muscle to blast fat gains over the past couple years, adequate nutrition-- meaning proteins and veggies at every opportunity-- keeps me loosing fat and gaining muscle. If you were sitting on your butt all day with no interest in training, then calorie deficit alone is your only way to go, and even then not the best option because your body will degrade muscle into fat.

    I'd say that if you can, start by switching the nuts for an egg-white + avocado snack. If you're worried about counting calories the egg whites give you high nutritional value (hello protein!) for few calories, and avocados are good fats (better than nuts). Splash some salsa on that and you'll be on a roll.

    When I'm meal planning, I try to take a 1+2 approach-- 1 protein and 2 veggies. I should be getting MOST of my calories from the protein, and hitting my goals/macros by the end of the day. Veggies have fiber, which keep you feeling full. I consider carbs an important part of the equation too, but whereas veggies are often considered a "side" dish, I think of bread (Trader Joe's Ezekiel alternatives) as the side, protein the main, and veggies-- the more the better, as long as I'm hitting my macros. I don't really believe in the "If it fits your macros" concept, because not all protein, carbs and fats are created equal, but I use my macro "Goals" on MFP as a way to plan my meals and keep on track.