Dont like Fruit



  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    Me too. As soon as I cut out the refined sugar, flour/pasta etc., fruit tasted much better. But I ate a LOT of sugar and junk so I'm sure my tastebuds were messed up.
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    It's early days yet, but there is evidence coming in that fructose behaves differently in our bodies than other simple sugars. Fructose appears to enhance fat storing in humans and reduces the "fullness" response. This matches with the most likely survival strategy of early humans.
    While we wait for more studies, it might be wise, in weight loss situations, to eat sweet fruit sparingly. OK, so nutrients and fibre are lowered as well but these can be made up by vegetables.
  • liz1531
    liz1531 Posts: 23 Member
    so don't eat it? I missed where fruit is vital for our survival. I'd be more concerned if instead of fruit you're eating other sugars.
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    I'll happily eat any that you don't want :wink: I adore both (except avocardo, truely revolting), as others have said don't feel obliged to eat what you don't like.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't like fruit before 11:30 am.
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    I had banana and strawberries on my cereal this morning and am snacking on frozen blueberries right now :smile:
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I am glad you asked this, I don't eat fruit, I like fruit, but I don't eat it too much... I eat veggies regularly and love them.