Advice needed for exercise routine!

I'm after a bit of advice on my gym/exercise routine. I have been flagging a bit lately as I've been struck down with some bug that has wiped all of my energy, but on an average week my routine is a bit like this:

Monday: 1h LBT class or gym session (admittedly just cardio – treadmill/x trainer mostly)
Tuesday: 1h of lane swimming
Wednesday: Sometimes a rest day, sometimes a random class – looking for recommendations to go here! (I suppose body pump needs to go somewhere as much as I hate it)
Thursday: 1h yoga, more often than not it turns into double (2h) yoga.
Friday-Sunday: When I'm being good I go to the gym for a run or an aerobics class on one of these days, the other two are rest days.

I know I need to add more weights/toning – can anyone recommend a class as I hate doing weights at the gym! It's so small and everyone stares at the girls there! I do like body combat, body jam etc – I resent body pump although I know this is an important one.

Any other advice would be fab! I don't have it in me to go 7 days a week though – 4 is average, 5 is my maximum usually.

Diet side I am OK, I need to get back to tracking properly, eating clean mon-fri more strictly but other than that it's good.

Thanks in advance!


  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    I hate lifting weights too, not because people stare just because I hate doing it, but I DO do it twice a week because I am sixty and do not want osteoporosis.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    You definitely would benefit from some resistance training and lifting heavy at the gym is the best way to get it. Ignore the stares, it's likely that they're just as self-conscious as you are!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Body Pump is still a cardio class - don't be fooled just because they use weights to get your heart going haha. Also... why do something you hate?

    I haven't yet encountered a real weight lifting class so I'm in to see responses!
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    The only class other than Body Pump I can think of would be a kettlebells class, and you'd get more out of that anyway, especially if you hate Body Pump. Bootcamp classes sometimes incorporate bodyweight training or light weights. You can also do stuff at home with resistance bands, bodybars, DBs, bodyweight, etc.

    Or you can get over the stares and do your thang. If you LIKE lifting weights, just do it.