How do you reward yourself?



  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I have little rewards for every 5 pounds. Haircut, new shoes, special outfit, gym membership have been ones so far.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    // Non-Food Rewards //
    **190 // 5 lb loss - OPI Nail Polish
    **185 // 10 lb loss - Earrings
    {{ Overweight BMI }}
    180 // 15 lb loss - Benefit Sugarlicious Set
    175 // 20 lb loss - Ralph Lauren Romance
    170 // 25 lb loss - Pedicure
    165 // 30 lb loss - 90 Minute Massage
    160 // 35 lb loss - Gel Nails
    155 // 40 lb loss - Haircut
    {{ Normal BMI }}
    150 // 45 lb loss - Spa Day
    145 // 50 lb loss - New Shoes & Clothes

    I've changed it up a bit though. I got myself an Ipsy subscription recently, and I'm still looking for earrings that I really want. I'm almost to the Benefit Sugarlicious!! I'd like to have the Ralph Lauren Romance by Thanksgiving, and be able to get the pedicure before Christmas. If I get to the massage before New Years I'll be stoked.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    edited October 2014
    I brain stormed some specific goals and then some rewards which would actually motivate me. I tried to make some of them food, some not, some inexpensive etc.

    Some of my goals are: lose 1 inch from waist, log under calories and macro's 5x in a row, reach goal weight, lift weights 3x a week for 4 weeks, run a marathon.
    Some rewards are: Night off logging, smoothie/frozen yogurt, new book, cheat meal, new workout item, chocolate bar of choice, neck massage, new dress.

    Then, I made a bit of a reward system.
    I have three calendar months up on my wall, and for each activity I do, I have a code. For example, lifting weights is a purple heart, running is blue, walking red, achieving a weight loss goal is a star, etc. E.g: When I lift weights, I put a little purple heart in the top right hand corner of that day of the callendar.

    Then, I devised a goals sheet. It's like: If I do weights 10 times (have 10 purple hearts a month) I get a night off logging.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I have a cup of tea and a biscuit.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Do any of you reward yourselves if you make it to your goals? I'm just curious. I'm having trouble coming up with goals to keep me motivated.

    Reaching the goal is the reward...
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I actually don't have specific goals/rewards set up, other than my final goal weight (which keeps changing). I do buy clothes that fit properly as often as needed, at the local second-hand shop, but that's it. I intend to do this whole Healthy thing forever, and in my mind rewarding myself for reaching specific points makes it feel like it has an end point. I play mind games with myself if I look at it that way, so I choose not to. When I've not had the need to buy new clothes for a while (i.e., in maintenance) I may revisit that, but for now that's my thought process.
  • Tim_Simons
    Tim_Simons Posts: 64 Member
    Everytime I reach my goal, i reward myself by heading to the beach to relax treating myself with a healthy seafood dinner.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nope, the results are the reward for me. That, and all the cute clothes I've been buying since I got within 3 pounds of my goal weight.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    I'm about to hit my first large milestone in 2.2 lbs. I'm not sure what exactly I'll be getting myself it's a toss up between a new shirt, battle ropes, or a better foam roller. I have a short soft foam roller at home but it would be nice to have a one that's a little firmer and longer (so it can fit down my back, right now I can only do that at the gym). Battle ropes would be awesome to have at home, once again I only have access to them at the gym. At the same time all of my shirts are getting to be waaaay too big for me. I need new clothes.

    I'll probably save the shirt for my next mini milestone instead.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Looking good is reward enough for me :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't believe in rewarding myself for weight loss. For me, it triggers a cycle of guilt which has been my downfall when I tried to lose weight in the past. It triggers this "good dog/bad dog" mentality when I lose weight or happen to maintain or gain for a brief while.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    New clothes that actually fit! (Not really a reward, per se, but a necessity.)