no motivation

Hi, I'm Lisa. I have joined this group because I need all the support and guidance that you all have to share. I am diabetic and very over weight. I NEED to lose my weight so I can maintain my health status and be around a long time for my children. You would think that should be motivation enough....I guess not. So if it sounds like I need a kick in the a....butt, please do it. Thanks everyone!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Unfortunately the only person who can do this is you... You need to figure out what will motivate you...
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome! And we are here to support you, too! I want to let you know that you can do this! And we are all rooting for you! And if you don't think that is enough, then really really focus on that "why" you said. You want to do this for your kids. You want to be there for them for a long time. So ask yourself, "What will it feel like to be there for your kids? To see them grow up? To graduate from school? To see them get married?" How happy will that make you to see them share their lives and success with you? And use those emotions to push yourself!

    Remember, we are always here for you! We can cheer you on and give advice for whatever health and fitness question you have. We can show you the way! But you have to walk that path. And you can make this journey, not just for yourself, but for all your loved ones!
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    Uncontrolled high blood sugar is bad for the brain as you age.
  • jaynerebecca1
    jaynerebecca1 Posts: 21 Member
    Start small. Start logging everything. When you see everything you eat written out it can be the kick in the butt you need! And you don't have to be hungry or miss out on your favorite foods to be successful. Just eat at your calorie goal and once you get that down you can start adding in exercises. Walking is wonderful and everyone can do it!
  • Lian98
    Lian98 Posts: 275 Member
    Try imagining how you life will look like in a couple years. Will you be vibrant, happy, enjoying life and your family? Will you be happy with yourself? Will you be there for the people you care abut? Or will you be tired, have no energy, always trying to keep up with your kids? Will you still be there at all? These are hard questions to answer, but really thinking about your future makes everything more real to you. I know I didn't think I had a problem until I realized that in a couple years I would have some very serious health problems. I didn't want to spend my life weak and unfulfilled, and so I started getting healthier. When you do this exercise, try to be very creative, really imagine how you'll look, how you'll feel, and what your family will feel like. This is some serious shock therapy. But we are here for you, my friend. I send you hugs!
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    When I am not motivated to workout, I at least go to the gym, or do just one thing... and it usually leads to more. Give your tomorrow's self something to thank you for today.
  • GlucernaBrand
    I really like the way you give yourself the opportunity to make at least one positive choice each day. I also love Lian98's suggestion to visualize the life you want, and then figure out how you can manage your health and your weight to get there. Wise words! ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Find something that you like...... you're probably not use to any workout so I won't say "love" but start with a like.... get a game plan, stick to it, and you will eventually Love It once you start to Feel better.

    You have every reason to make this change. We are here to encourage and help motivate, but yes, you need to be there too.
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome :)
    Feel free to add me. Also feel free to vent as to what is stopping you becoming motivated, that could give us a clue as how best to help and support you..does your goal seem too far out of reach at present, are you physically limited, or financially, these are just examples...
    Glad you are here anyway, that's a, up yo you now, what's next?
    Catrina xxx
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
    Just take it day by day, eat in moderation, track and weight everything. I try to fit some type of exercise in my day everyday. For me, the excitement and motivation will only last so long. The rest of the time, i tell myself no excuses, just do it! and make myself remember 30 min exercise is only 2% of the day.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    Lisa - I know the feeling. My family has a history of heart disease, yet I find myself unmotivated. Each week I want to start and then wander. I recently joined this site looking for support and to find others that have similar challenges. So, I'm here as well - my motto for this week is "The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started". Feel free to add me.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I blogged on this recently:

    Motivation is a fickle, changeable thing which can be fleeting, easily misdirected or lost. It means being enthusiastic and positively wanting to do something, which is great while it lasts, but what about when it goes? All you have to do is look around MFP to see how people struggle with a loss of motivation.

    I'm past relying on motivation. I'm not motivated, I'm committed... I'm determined... but most of all I'm resigned. I'm not excited and well keen to get heathy, I HAVE to do it. I NEED to do it. It isn't a pass time I can pick up and drop at will.

    I'm not "motivated" to go to work in the morning. I do it because I have bills to pay, things I want to buy, a household to feed, a car to run and a lifestyle to sustain.

    I'm not "motivated" to clean my house. I do it because I have a level of comfort to maintain, a desire to not live in dirty surroundings, a level of health I wish to keep up.

    I don't clean the poop out of my cats litter tray because I'm "motivated". I do it because it stinks and is gross.

    I don't make good choices with my food and haul my *kitten* out to go running because I'm "motivated". I do it because I have physical pain I want to lessen and/or avoid, a lifestyle I wish to attain/maintain, a level of health I want to keep up, and a desire not to live in substandard surroundings - in this case an unhealthy body.

    I have been "dieting" for 18 years. I have joined Weight Watchers more than 12 times. I've done shake diets, I've counted calories and I considered a lapband. I have "fallen off the wagon" because I "lost motivation" more times than I can count.

    Now this time, it's different. Sure, a lot of the time I'm motivated. But a hell of a lot of the time, I'm not. But I'm committed and resigned to the fact that unless I want my body to be unhealthy, miserable, unattractive and broken, I have to do this. Same way as I have to go to work when I can't be bothered, or have to clean my house when I'd rather sit on the couch in my jimjams.

    This isn't optional any more. I've put it in the necessity basket. I'm not doing it because I want to - I'm doing it because I have to.

    You have an even stronger reason to do this than I do - your immediate health. Stop looking for the golden goblet of fuzzy motivation and get determined. Get resigned. Get committed. Make it a neccesity, not an option.