60+ needs a daily kick in the butt to get moving!

Hi, my name is Ann and I need a village to kick start this journey. I know the do's and don'ts, but cannot seem to stick to a plan, it is so easy to tell myself, "I'll make up for it tomorrow". I so admire athletes that can commit on a daily basis. You would think that my health at my age would be enough to commit. Need all the inspiration and motivation I can get.


  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi Ann. I suggest reading the Success subforum and participating in lots of threads in various other subforums. The more you read posts from people here who have been successful at weightloss/maintenance/fitness the more confident you will become.

    I'm 64 and have been losing steadily since February. I am motivated to no longer need BP meds which were prescribed for the first time last fall. But, the great side effect is wearing smaller clothes and feeling better!


  • nnhertzng
    nnhertzng Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Kathy, I am finding out that by reading other threads, can be inspiring and I am not alone in my battle. Thanks again.
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    Check out the over 60 group, too. A great, positive and supportive bunch. Feel free to add me