What kind of supplements r u taking & why?



  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    Potassium - I'm prone to low potassium
    Cranberry - preventative UTI/kidney stones
    B-12 - fatigue

    Thinking about taking fish oil & dropping B-12... B-12 is a recent addition & I haven't noticed a difference.

    Have you had kidney stones before? I used to get kidney infections and bladder infections and have had stones in the past... when I was younger. I was diagnosed with what is called urinary reflux and you typically outgrow it as your body grows and sure enough, I outgrew it and my body developed and corrected itself on it's own. I no longer have problems. One thing I did take when I had these problems was Hydrangea and it worked SIGNIFICANTLY!!! The Cranberry was also amazing!!! You can "Google" the info on Hydrangea drops if you are interested... good luck :)
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Wow! I am so pleased with all the responses. I'm learning alot! I'll keep checking this thread for new posts. Thanks everyone for sharing!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Maca powder, Sacha inchi meal, Yacon powder, Flax seed meal, Chia seed meal, chlorella, Spirulina, MSM, Quinoa (sprouted), Barley grass, Kamut grass, oat grass, wheat grass, grape seen extract, decaf green tea extract., whey protein......yummy! I have tons of energy and after having one shake a day for 90 days my husbands cholesterol was lower by 20%. No joke. His doc was shocked.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Potassium - I'm prone to low potassium
    Cranberry - preventative UTI/kidney stones
    B-12 - fatigue

    Thinking about taking fish oil & dropping B-12... B-12 is a recent addition & I haven't noticed a difference.

    Have you had kidney stones before? I used to get kidney infections and bladder infections and have had stones in the past... when I was younger. I was diagnosed with what is called urinary reflux and you typically outgrow it as your body grows and sure enough, I outgrew it and my body developed and corrected itself on it's own. I no longer have problems. One thing I did take when I had these problems was Hydrangea and it worked SIGNIFICANTLY!!! The Cranberry was also amazing!!! You can "Google" the info on Hydrangea drops if you are interested... good luck :)

    Yes... kidney stones. Worst. Pain. Ever. I even had to have lithotripsy. That was over 5 years ago without a relapse. Thanks for the info on Hydrangea... I will definitely look it up.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Flintstone's Vitamin....it's the only chewable I could find at the store, and my doc said it was fine...and doesn't recommend the gummies.

    Prescribed (higher levels, better absorbed by me)
    Folic acid daily...dangerously low
    Vitamin D...also dangerously low
    Monthly shot of B12...also dangerously low.

    Thinking about adding something like Osteo Bioflex, as my knees are taking it out on me from walking on the sidewalks.
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    Multi - all purpose
    B complex - energy
    Magnesium, Calcium, & Zinc - headaches, bones, skin
    chromium - insulin
    C - all purpose

    Well this is what I would like to take but I have never been consistent.

  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I take one Nutrilite multi pack in the morning:
    Women's multi
    Hair Skin & Nails formula (Biotin, acerola cherry)
    Fish oil

    Then I take these later in the day:
    Carlson's or Barlean's Fish Oil (2 daily, one with lunch, one with dinner - unless those dinners contain salmon or fatty fish)
    2000 IU Vitamin D soft gel (1x daily in summer, winter I take 2 of these)

    Not a supplement, per se, but 1 tbsp ground flax daily in some form of food, and one tsp. of coconut oil with my vitamin D softgel to aid absorption.
  • headstoes
    headstoes Posts: 25 Member
    Centrum multivitamin---to ensure I get all the vitamins and minerals which I don't get from the food I eat, and for general well-being and energy.

    2 Metamucil Fibrecaps---I don't have bowel problems as such, but it's supposed to keep you regular. I also take it to keep me full and add bulk the stuff inside.

    Centrum Recharge B-group vitamins---metabolism and energy boost.

    I take all these daily in the morning in one big gulp. I'm not too sure how I'd be without them, I've made it such a habit. I can definitely vouch for the multivitamins---I haven't been sick in a very long time. I only recently started taking the B-group vitamins, no noticable difference? I just stick with it, I'm sure it's working on the inside. We all need a bit of help now don't we?
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I take
    Centrum silver
    Omega 3
    calcium w/ vit D
    81 mg asprin

    I work outside so I really don't need the extra D but I still take it.
  • SarahAlt
    SarahAlt Posts: 44
    I take a prenatal vitamin as well as an iron supplement. I'm a nursing mother and I'm trying to shed the marital/baby weight. These two help with my energy and ensure that my milk provides the nutrition my baby needs without robbing me of what I need. My doctor actually recommends that I take a prenatal vitamin for the rest of my life. I wouldn't mind as it plus the iron supplement really help with my energy level. The iron supplement has been added to my routine because I was anemic through both of my pregnancies and it just stuck.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    B-6 and B-12 for energy
    D - I don't see a lot of sunshine...
    E - really helps with keeping my skin fantastically clear
    Zinc - preventative for colds and sickness
    Potassium - the one and only medication I take requires me to intake a LARGE amount of potassium every day, more than I can get from my diet
    Green Tea - aids with weight loss and is a great antioxidant
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Awareness Products:
    Complete - 194 Vitamins, Minerals & Special Organic Nutrients (Multi-vitamin)
    Harmony - Harmony contains 19 delicately balanced natural ingredients. (Energy overall balance)
    Experience - Improves regularity and cleanses the colon (Digestive Cleanse)

    Dymatize Elite Protein Powder 0gms sugar (Get more daily protein)

    L-Glutamine (when muscles are sore)

    Have used and will use again
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I take :
    One a day for women (multi-vitamin)
    Probiotic (up to three a day)
    Acai - organic liquid form (twice a day)
    Green tea - at least 3 cups per day (help with weight loss)
    Vitex - (for female issues)

    I take all my vitamins and supplements faithfully each day and when I skip a day I notice a big difference. I am thinking of taking a joint vitamin due to my joints taking an extra beating from the excess weight for so many years.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I take Viactive Plus Calcium Multivitamin for women to get all of the vitamins I need.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Cod liver oil capsules for joints etc.
    Vitamin C

    That's it.

    I'll get everything else I need from my food, I hope :)
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