Any (beginner) runners out there?



  • habu68123
    habu68123 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a beginner also - started C25K but tore up my ankle in week two and then was in a boot for 8 weeks. Slowly starting back with a walking program. Never really a runner but I like the idea of a 5k as there is a specific goal & program.
  • troy0
    troy0 Posts: 37 Member
    I started out running 6 or 7 months ago. It was hard for a couple of months but after that it got easier, now its very enjoyable. I'm running about 20Ks a week at the moment and really miss it if I don't get out there for a couple of days.
    Take it slow to start, run/walk as much as you need to, but keep pushing your limits gradually as well (faster, further).
    Mix it up, road, beach, bush, shoes, no shoes, music, whatever. Try smiling while running, it may be mental but it really makes it more enjoyable.
    I found using some technology to track distance, pace etc. very motivating for me as well.
    Feel free to add me
  • stefne32
    stefne32 Posts: 2 Member
    I feel like I should be a runner, I just have a problem with the running part! I just wish I enjoyed it! How long until that happens?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    My wife and I just started, we are doing C25K. Today was W5D1 and it was tough, but we finished. I don't "love" to run, but I don't dread it either. We have our first 5K on June 8. Not sure if running will become my "thing" or not but I am gonna give a real good effort. Add me if you like.
  • kristamcclugage
    kristamcclugage Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me.. I am a beginner runner as in barely starting as of last week. I have been walking a lot to start my weight loss but now I can walk quite well and am having trouble running.. The struggles I have are with my knees (because of running on pavement) and getting my breathing right. I want to get to the point that I enjoy it..
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    I feel like I should be a runner, I just have a problem with the running part! I just wish I enjoyed it! How long until that happens?

  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    Started around a month ago myself, so a beginner for sure. I've been having issues with my left ankle though due to running, which has really watered down the amount I've been able to run. I know it's either my shoes or that my ankles just can't handle it at the moment. But either way I plan on resolving it soon, allowing me to run more often and for longer periods of time. Feel free to add me, anyone. :)
  • maydays0508
    maydays0508 Posts: 6 Member
    "I feel like I should be a runner, I just have a problem with the running part! I just wish I enjoyed it! How long until that happens?"

    :) I've tried so many times in the past and felt the same way. I think there are two reasons why it "clicked" this time. (1) My friends talked me into signing up for a 5K, so I started out very motivated to train and not embarrass myself! and (2) I have increased the distance and time spent running sloowwwwllllyy. I think easing into it makes all the difference.

    I still joke that I feel like the Tin Man for the first half mile...huffing and puffing with my joints feeling all weird. But I really do settle into a rhythym, begin breathing easier, and when I finish 3 miles I am much calmer for the remainder of the day.

    The efficiency is the big appeal. That's a lot of calories burned in 1/2 hr!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am fairly new to running. I started last fall and some days I feel like a superstar, many others I wonder if I am ever going to be a good runner.

    I had gotten up to being able to run a half decent distance, but after completing a Tough Mudder a couple of weeks ago (WAY before my body was ready for something that strenuous) every little run is painful and feels so difficult. Hope it starts getting better.

    The most important thing is that we all started this journey to become runners and will get better with each day. :drinker:
  • loverich5
    loverich5 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a beginner runner. I used to run all the time and lost a lot of weight doing so. I have completed 2 half marathons, but never have been able to run the whole thing. I say I am a beginner runner because now I am starting all over. I do a lot of walking/running so that I can build back up to where I used to be. I signed up for another half marathon in September and I plan on running the whole thing :)
  • mjh4cwh1
    mjh4cwh1 Posts: 21 Member
    Love running. I have lost 25 and this has made it easier. I have been to get fitted for shoes this helps too. I still get lapped alot by older people. Hate this. My goal is to build up to 1 hour of running without stopping. I also have learned to run with not very much in my belly, never after dinner. Friend me. I try to run 3 days a week.
  • Evoken
    Evoken Posts: 36 Member
    I am on W2D3 of C25K.. so yess I am a beginner ...
  • mellenorris
    mellenorris Posts: 99 Member
    Me! I just ran/walked a 5k today - it was my second. I still am not even sure I LIKE running, but with my shoulder injured... it's all I've got! Loving finding more running friends on here. It's a big help :)
  • I'm getting back into running after years of being out due to a knee injury. I will be running my first 5K in nearly 17 years in July. I am doing my 5K training now, I just completed week one. Anyone may add me. :-)
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    i am trying to learn to love running.

    since its winter here im inside on a treadmill. i started off running for 4 minutes and walking the rest of the 35 minutes i do. ive been adding a minute a week, im up to 9 minutes running non stop now. goal is a 5 minute warm up walk, then 30 minutes running. once i hit that ill work on the speed. :)
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    I really want to run a 5k thus August but I'm still at a turtle's pace and can only run about .5 a mile before I have to walk again. Baby steps...
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I started running last year after losing a good chunk of the weight I have been trying to lose. I'm due to run the Peachtree Road Race this July 4, which I promised myself last year I would run this year. I've already run a few 5k and 10k races. Eventually, I would like to run a half marathon, but I'm not there yet.