Am I going to gain weight?

I've been recently stressing immensely over my weight. I have an extremely busy schedule that allows me to work out 5 times a week as I'd like to only if I am lucky. Otherwise, I try my best to get in at least 4 days a week. However, since I am 2kg away from my goal weight, I've been less strict around my diet. By no means do I eat unhealthfully, however. I avoid sweets, eat my veggies, eat protein and keep my carb intake at about 30-40 net carbs or lower (higher carb days would not surpass 50 carbs). I am still scared of weight gain though. I eat around 1200-1500 calories a day, just depending on how much I feel like eating that day. I am currently 164.5cm tall and weight around 62kg. Now I know I'm not eating too many calories, but is weight gain still possible?


  • clare120
    clare120 Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats on getting so far in terms of your goal! What you are doing now seems to be all the right things. You are still eating at a deficit, so I would be very surprise if you started gaining weight. If you strength train during your workouts you can gain weight in muscle which is not a bad thing! I'm not expert by any means (so others please correct me if I am flawed in my logic!)

    Good luck!