30DS... oww.

Recently, I've started the 30 day shred. I really like it! I find Jillian motivating and think it's a very well-designed workout.

Buuut, the problem: I live on the third floor of an apartment building. Because of this, I've been trying to be quiet when doing the higher-impact movements, particularly jumping jacks. Not a good idea, clearly. By trying to reduce the impact of my feet on the floor, I've been absorbing the force in my shins... and now they hurt like crazy!

I decided to take a few days off afterwards, and went for runs instead. Tonight, I tried again... but about 5 jumping jacks in (even when paying attention to the impact), they hurt again, and even worse. I was feeling the pain through the butt kicks and jump rope too. :(

What do I do? I'm worried that I've injured myself. Should I stop the 30DS? Or does anyone have some recommendations for quieter modifications to the movements? It really sucks to have found an exercise plan that I like and am motivated to do... only to have it hurt!


  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I'd suggest replacing the cardio movements with arm punches or even marching in place and give your shins time to heal. You could try icing them to reduce the pain and inflammation, and take an anti-inflammatory such as Aleve. It could take a few weeks for it to go away.

    When you are able to resume the jumping jacks and other movements, start out slowly and build up to it. You may also want to try to figure out the times when the 2nd floor occupant will be gone, or at least active, so your working out won't bother them.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    Lessen the intensity of the exercise while you heal, but I wouldn't stop working out. I would go out front your apartment for the jumping jacks, then run back up to your apartment, the jumping jacks and stair climbing would probably be a nice challenge.