Will I ever stop thinking about food?!



  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Do you THINK about food all the time or are you really just hungry? If you are constantly hungry it may be that your deficit is too big. I think about food alot but not all the time. I distract myself with other things because it's too easy to get compulsive about food. I let myself have treats. They are built in. If you are feeling deprived of all your favorite foods then that may be causing you to think about it too much. Just some ideas.
  • mmerry5
    mmerry5 Posts: 69 Member
    edited October 2014
    I feel the same way. Been in maintenance for just over a year and I still think an awful lot about food. I think I just really like to eat. I especially like sweets and try to make sure I always work some in. I run and walk to earn more calories, and to be more healthy. I also try to save up some calories for the weekend, so that I can splurge a little then. There have been times (not recently) where I actually dream about food! I remember once or twice having a dream where in the dream, I actually knew that I was dreaming, and there's a plate full of goodies to sample and I swear I could taste them in my dream. It was awesome! LOL.

    I do think it gets a little easier and as someone else mentioned you change the way you think of food. I am thinking much more about how to make lower calorie but still delicious food. For the most part I eat what I want, just not as much or it might be made a little differently to save calories.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    AH I'm so happy you posted this. I think about food so much that I've been wondering if I have legitimate mental issues or some disordered thinking (but then I tell myself that I'm good about hitting my goals and will still stuff my face once in a while so it can't be anorexia... and don't worry, I'm a perfectly normal weight and my goal weight is in a healthy range for me)

    I need to stop thinking about food too... honestly though, the week that was easiest for me recently was when I was going out of town for training so I only had internet when I got home and I was pretty busy. I was only on MFP for maybe 15 mins a day... meanwhile I tend to have it on in the background at work all day everyday to track water and such. So I think MFP makes me think about food more than I would normally! Is that weird? I guess I am pretty active on the forums...

    How long do you spend on MFP everyday?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited October 2014
    I think I must be odd.

    I love to eat but have never been obsessed with food or my body. I do find that automatically eating three meals a day plus a 9PM snack makes it something I think about but not something I obsess about. Just like I don't think about what I'm going to wear much or brushing my teeth. I choose things I enjoy eating and savor them, and move on.

    I don't have rules, but I don't really snack because I don't keep food at work and I'm not in the habit of snacking at home.

    I do think about cooking because I'm feeding other people - my family and sometimes my in-laws, visitors, etc. I love to cook and I cook very well. But I will often make cookies or a cake or something really fancy without doing more than just tasting it.

    Logging has definitely made me more calorie conscious though, and when people talk about food I will often say how many calories it is. Not something I ever would have done before I started here.
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    edited October 2014
    I love thinking about food all the time. Why is there shame in that? :anguished: I think it's fun to figure out meals and see what's in them. I like reading books on how to bake bread, how to make your own yogurt and cheese, what makes a good batter, watch cooking shows and competitions, learn how to grow vegetables, maintain and herb garden, window shop at farmers markets, analyze foods at the grocery store, read social commentary of diet and cuisine, read recipes, chat with friends who are foodies, stalk other people's dairies here, and of course savor meals and try new foods! I find that most people I know don't concentrate on food as much as I would like to, haha.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    edited October 2014
    Treat this as opinion:

    It's possible that the issue is in some part hormonal in that as you lose more and more weight your hunger may naturally upregulate in an attempt to regain weight.

    It's also possible that there's an environmental component to this.

    It's also possible that it relates to your calorie and macronutrient intake and how those interact with satiety.

    It's also possible that it relates to your individual food selection and how that interacts with satiety.

    It's also possible that the continual micromanaging of calorie intake contributes to your continual thinking about calories.

    I'm probably leaving out other factors.

    I would take a guess that it is a combination of more than one of the above manifesting itself into continual thoughts about food.

    That's just my opinion though, and I'm just a random guy on the internet.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Nothing wrong about thinking of food. Its what we do about it that counts. :D
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    I never want to stop thinking about food. I love food!! But we have a complicated relationship :)
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been obsessed with food ever since my eating disorder (that I've recovered from) when I was 16 (now 23). It consumes the majority of my thoughts.. even while I'm eating, I think about when I'm going to eat next. I'm glad I'm not alone! Yet, I've come to accept the fact that that's just the way I am- lol, I LOVE food. Hence, I'm majoring in nutrition with the intent on becoming a dietitian so I can focus on food all day long and it will be normal ;) I often wonder though if most people think about food like this or not. Maybe it is actually normal? I think most people love food :P
  • notyouraveragetalia
    notyouraveragetalia Posts: 223 Member
    I think that even if I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted, truly without concern for health or mental stability or vanity, I would still think about food a whole lot. So I guess I would rather be thinking about food in a way that nourished my body rather than a way that trashed my body.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Basilin wrote: »
    I love thinking about food all the time. Why is there shame in that? :anguished: I think it's fun to figure out meals and see what's in them. I like reading books on how to bake bread, how to make your own yogurt and cheese, what makes a good batter, watch cooking shows and competitions, learn how to grow vegetables, maintain and herb garden, window shop at farmers markets, analyze foods at the grocery store, read social commentary of diet and cuisine, read recipes, chat with friends who are foodies, stalk other people's dairies here, and of course savor meals and try new foods! I find that most people I know don't concentrate on food as much as I would like to, haha.

    My husband lives for 'food porn' and has a pile of cookbooks next to our bed. There's a reason there's a Food Channel!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I honestly don't think that "normal" eaters think about food all the time. I know my husband certainly doesn't. However, after being a compulsive over eater for most of my life, I don't think I will ever stop.