A sub-1000 calorie diet: Working well so far


Am 190 lbs @ 5'11 (shooting for 165). Wanted your thoughts on my diet which has worked well when i stick to it - end up losing about 2-3 lbs a week. The idea is to stay under 1000 net calories a day.

- Early am workout (cardio 400-600 cals). Add a post lunch walk for another 125 cals if possible
- Cup of chai (70 cals) and almonds right after. Chai is great for post work out recovery
- 5 dried figs (Costco) -> 100 cals
- A pear for lunch (high in fiber) around noon -> 125 cals
- Apple for snack (3pm) - > 100 cals
- Another cup of chai and a light snack -> 150 cals
- 400-600 calorie dinner.

It is around 6 pm or so that i get net positive calories for the day. My energy is great (for now at least).

The only times i have to manage my hunger pangs is between 4 and 6pm. Everything but dinner is close to natural form.



  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Looks like a fantastic muscle burning diet to me
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your whole day looks like breakfast to me.

    How long have you been following this plan? It looks woefully deficient in vitamins, minerals, fat, and protein.
  • Eat more food!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I am no doctor or expert, but that sounds like an unsafe amount of calories. I recommend calculating your calories on a site like this: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ You may not lose weight as quickly when using a small/moderate deficit, but I think it's a lot healthier/safer and the results will be more long-term. I also focus on my macros to make sure I'm eating enough protein and healthy fats (and I also track my fiber).
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I think with your plan you will find that when you reach your goal you won't look as good as you hoped. Your plan will burn up some lean mass, meaning your body fat will be higher than you want at your goal weight.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I'm pretty sure it's against TOS to promote a VLCD.

    My thoughts are you should eat more and stop starving yourself.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    you are gonna end up losing muscle while eating so little

  • NewMeowLean
    NewMeowLean Posts: 58
    edited October 2014
    So you eat less than 1000 net calories and exercise 400-600 a day? That seems tough! How long have you been able to maintain that regimen?

    I think you should be careful and see if you are getting enough fat/protein/vitamins etc so you can stay healthy. Also be aware that being so restrictive can make you binge eat and is usually not sustainable in the long run. But if it works for you...
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Unless the almonds at your morning snack are zero calories, I'm thinking you are eating closer to 1200. But, why not include some protein and vegetables and skip the "hunger pangs" between 4 and 6????
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    edited October 2014
    That's not 1000 net, that's like 300-650 NET.

    You could do it, but I doubt you'll feel good or be able to sustain it for a long period of time.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Where's the protein? And fat? And variety?
    I love fruit too but seriously, eat.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    this isn't going to end well. for the OP or the thread.

    I give it 10 more posts before someone comes in berating the common sense folks for not supporting OP.

    Good Job, OP.. you found and have provided instructions on being skinny-fat.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm pretty sure I would pass out by 10am on a diet of tea and fruit with a heaping helping of cardio bunny.

    Diet coke and peanut butter FTW!!
  • ereidj
    ereidj Posts: 6
    Everyone's right here about the fact you're not eating enough protein. Very low calorie diets pretty much require you to eat low-carb, and to get almost all your calories from fat and protein. However, please ignore the people who insist that 1200 calories is some magical number. You can easily eat under 1000 calories, and exercise ferociously, while still being perfectly healthy. Just eat a better balance of food.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yes - you will lose weight (as long as you stick to it)... but with calories so low all the time, this diet will be reducing your muscle along with fat. Keep in mind that the heart is a muscle.
    What is the rush? Eat just a little more and learn to enjoy a normal eating life that you can keep up forever. You will still lose weight and might be able to keep it off.

    The aim is health and happiness - not just less body!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    You are a male eating under 1000 calories per day? Good luck with that!
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Profile says 42 yr old male. i'm calling troll on this one....
  • Thanks for the inputs guys (and the other stuff the intertubes *will* throw at you :) ). Will just say again - this works for me, have a slow metabolism (my guess is 1800 calories is my BMR.

    Will add more protein - right now it is from milk and nuts.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I think you are going to get a lot of "hater" replies with this post...

    That said, your approach worked for me and continues to work. I started at 194 (but I am 5'3.5") and I am currently at 104, I was a size 18 (tight) am now a size 0. I started nearly 3 years ago and still use a 1200 daily calorie plan to maintain. More than doubled my energy level since I started and maintain a higher than average energy level to date. I eliminated virtually all sugar from my diet and try to maintain high protein...

    Everyone talks starvation mode... I think that varies on the person. Please keep in mind all people are different. I don't weigh and seldom measure my food BECAUSE I AM ON MAINTENANCE. But I do log my food daily and weigh myself often (possibly too often... LOL).

    Best of luck in your weight loss journey!
  • Again, how long have you been doing this?