Any women lifters here that use IIFYM?



  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    edited October 2014
    You already got the info you need from these comments but I just wanted to add that I find it very hard to reach 2,000 without eating something high in calories which is usually something processed or considered unhealthy. Once I reach 1,400 – 1,600 I’m pretty much full and done for the day, if I could eat more protein, starch or veggies I would but I can’t do it for more than a day or two in a row. So about 500 of my daily calories is pretty much crap that I enjoy eating.

    I’ve learned that if I go anywhere lower than 2k I start losing muscle and weight, if I want to gain that is my magical number. So I decided that I rather do 2k from any food than be lower than 2k and never progress. If you can reach your number by eating mostly healthy I think that is best, but if you are like me then reaching the number is more important than it all being from a perfect nutrition source.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    hey ladies! I'm starting a slow bulk right now. I competed in my first NPC bikini show October 4th, and didn't place. I took it well, I knew the areas I needed more work in. There is another show this month that my teammates are doing, but I decided to sit back, and do more work! I was at 1900 calories now Im at 2200. I want more mass but am afraid of gaining too much fat. Im hoping to compete in Physique, but def. need more muscle! I see a lot of women lifters that use IIFYM. Im giving it a go! But a lot of things I see, people who follow it eat donuts, burgers topped with cheese, endless waffles, oreos, ect. Ive done my share or research, but I still need more proof that it works lol. I mean it must! People who use it are shredded! Right?! Any input would be great. Im just asking for genuine advice, no ego trip comments please. Thank you!

    If you are gaining weight at a decent rate, then that is good.....not too much, too fast or most will be fat.
    Not everyone who does IIFYM eats that stuff.....
    You can and it helps to get in some calories.....but for me, I make sure I hit the numbers I need for pro/fat/carb.....and I make sure I eat my veggies as keep that in mind.
    But if you are gonna try to do Physique, you are gonna have to get muscle on your frame no doubt about that....
    So put on the weight, give it time, then start your contest prep about 12 - 16 weeks out.
  • cprudden419
    cprudden419 Posts: 1 Member
    Look up bshaefit on Instagram. She follows flexible dieting/iifym and looks amazing, she and her bf follow iifym during prep. you don't HAVE to only have chicken and broccoli. just saying.
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I've followed IIFYM and have had great results from doing so. If you're not prepping for a competition I see no reason not to try it.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    me! you definitely don't have to eat only asparagus and fish all day long, but you also don't eat a ton of junk - unless you have the macros for that or are willing to feel hungry all the time.