Insanity - what gives??

Hello all,
I was just curious if anyone had ever COMPLETED insanity and seen no results. I finished p90x and was sticking to 1200 calories a day (i know, i know that's kinda low) but even then after week 4 I had already lost like 4 or 5 pounds. I lost 20 pounds total then fell off of the workout wagon and gained 10 of those back. I decided to do insanity to shed those extra pounds I had gained. I started with 1200 calories because I thought, it worked before it might work again. I've now upped my caloric intake to 1600 because I figured my body might be in starvation mode. So i'm 4 weeks in and no results. This seems fairly common for women from what I've researched.

What I'm wondering is, has anyone kept going and finished the full 60 days and seen no results? Or did something give way towards the end?

I guess I just don't wanna waste my time with it if I could be doing something that actually works. At one point I had started Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 and lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. This is so much more intense and I've gained .6 pounds and lost no inches at all. It's very frustrating, but I don't want to quit if it's going take a drastic turn at some point.


  • covens04
    covens04 Posts: 76 Member
    Typically, you do start to see results in the secondy 30 days. Just a few questions. Are you able to make it through the workout? Do you bottom out of your workouts? Do you have a heart rate monitor to check calorie burn, because Insanity is notorious for burning 600-1000 calories? I would say you could have done some metabolic damage by having your calories at 1200 for so long. I would keep them at 1600 and continue to watch. Take pictures and measurements. The scale can be misleading. Feel free to add me if you need more support!
  • ibonet
    ibonet Posts: 3
    Thank you! I just joined a beach body group. Yes I can make it through the whole work out. I'm going to stick to it and hope for the best in the second month. Maybe the recovery week will even do something. I've seen that happen before.