Do your family/friends find your diet annoying?



  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I wouldn't put up with it. Comments like that would affect me negatively. I would keep other company and if you can't bear that then you have to be very clear with him and absolutely ignore any comments. Tell yourself that they are about him not you. This is just what I would work best for me because I am a very sensitive person and susceptible to suggestion:)
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Wow, I'm really surprised to hear so many people get flak for eating good food.

    I guess I'm lucky. The only comments I've gotten from my husband so far is that it's great that there's always a bowl o salad in the fridge. A lot of my extended family members have fairly specific dietary needs due to various medical conditions so all of our get togethers have an abundance of salads, fruits and veggies along with the chips and hotdogs and no one bats an eye if you don't eat the chips or cake.

    When I'm invited to group outings it's usually a vegetarian restaurant, sushi, coffee or tea. Most of the people I spend time with are crust punks and hippies and they tend to eat vegan a lot of the time. Regardless, they're the least judgemental group of people ever.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I must be one of the few with a supportive husband and he does the cooking (he's retired I am not) and has learned to cook food that is healthier for us both; weighs my food portions for me before serving; and tries in every way to encourage me. During my journey to lose weight (I am down 31 pounds since I first started ... although MFP only shows 26 because I lost weight before joining) he too has lost weight.

    You need to be who you are, eat how you know will be healthy for you and try to educate your family in a kind/respectful way why you have changed and what you expect to gain out of your new lifestyle. A long, healthier life.

    It really is sad to read how many people have family & friends disrespecting their choice of a healthy life.
  • standoug888
    standoug888 Posts: 126 Member
    remember when you make a positive change people will judge you!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    No, I have not experienced any negative reactions from anyone. I have gotten nothing but support from family and friends, and even clerks at regular places I shop at. My husband has benefited from my healthier eating and cooking and lost a few pounds as well, and he has also gone from pre-diabetic at his regular physical last November to healthy levels. Our daughter calls us her shrinking parents.

    I imagine it is difficult to get the types of comments that some receive from the people who mean the most to us. I guess you just try to ignore the negativity and get the support from MFP and friends and family that are truly happy for you and your healthier habits.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Not so much when I was still losing but now that I'm maintaining I have more pressure.

    "Come on,you can eat ( fill in blank) You're skinny now" ( I'm not, never have been and do not aspire to be, skinny)

    People need to understand,it's not a phase and how do they think I've kept it off for three years?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yes...and vice versa. Husband paleo's, I slim fast. We are at a mexican standoff. Since February. Nobody's budging but everyone's getting in better shape. I think we may be coming to the conclusion independantly that the method doesn't matter as long as they yield results an are tolerable for us individually.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Not so much when I was still losing but now that I'm maintaining I have more pressure.

    "Come on,you can eat ( fill in blank) You're skinny now" ( I'm not, never have been and do not aspire to be, skinny)

    People need to understand,it's not a phase and how do they think I've kept it off for three years?

    Exactly^^^ people always ask me....Are you done yet? I tell them i will never be done. This is a lifestyle change. Meaning the rest of my life. Besides i have no desire to eat like i used to or what i used to.
  • shayleac
    shayleac Posts: 76 Member
    If you're just minding your own business and tracking your calories it's fine.
    However, i'm on the other end of this. I have used MFP for awhile, and have introduced friends to it.
    I do not regret it, but now it is all I hear about. How many calories is this or that? Even if it is just coffee they're asking about.
    Driving me insane!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Is it just me or does anyone else feel a little scrutinized for changing their diet?

    My family, friends and boyfriend sometimes do make snide comments about 'fussy eating' and my brother said something the other day about 'YOUR stupid vegetable healthy stuff'... I mean, I'm currently attempting maintenance as I have lost all the weight I need to, but I am still trying to keep up healthy eating habits which means still eating more vegetables, whole grains, lean meat etc and apparently that makes me a bad person for eating an alternative to burgers and fries!

    Does anyone else get this? I don't really know how to deal with it... I hate feeling like I am annoying people but at the same time I want to keep healthy for myself. I had a McDonald's happy meal the other day and my boyfriend said 'I feel a lot happier when you eat fast food!' Great!

    Here's how I would deal with your brother. The next time he says "YOUR stupid vegetable healthy stuff..." I would look him in the eyes and say, "STOP IT." Or, a variation, look him in the eyes and say, " i don't appreciate that."

    Don't offer an explanation about why you are eating healthy food. I'm sure you've explained that in the past. This advice comes from a book called "The Verbally Abusive Relationship," by Patricia Evans. My take is that your new lifestyle is threatening to some people -- maybe it makes them see their overweight bodies as not so great, etc. Their comments are an attempt to control you and put you down and make themselves feel better. Learn to say, "Stop it!"

    For your boyfriend, who says he feels happier when you eat fast food, I would ask him why. Maybe he's insecure and wants you to join in.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I will say that it is a lot easier now that I am on maintenance. It has now gone from a few snide comments to "what are you having " when we eat out and then they order the same thing. Just happened last Friday. Went to Guadalaja's in downtown Houston on a business lunch - I had the blackened grilled tilapia, no rice, add sliced avocado. All three businessmen with me had the same thing...
  • R1otgirl
    R1otgirl Posts: 36 Member
    Last year my mother made a lifestyle change and went on a vegan diet. She stopped going to "yummy restaurants" stopped keeping bacon and meat in the house, and for the love of god there was never any milk other than almond milk -.-. I realized that sometimes I would say things to her like " Eww why are you eating that?" or "Mom it looks like your sandwich is a garden, it looks disgusting!" now at the end of the year she is down almost 90 pounds and her body is BANGIN.

    In a sad moment of realization it came to me that ... I am the bad guy... Instead of encouraging her, I questioned her. Instead of telling her how proud I am of her, I chose not to eat dinner at her house with her "yucky vegan food". One day we went shopping together and we were giggling and trying on dresses, I realized that my 52 year old mother looked 100 times better in one of the dresses than i did. She was wearing size 10 pants when I was wearing 16's. I told her that day that I was tired of looking the way i did and I wanted to change my life. She said " Okay, we can do this together" And now I eat at her house all the time, she tells me about great recipes which are ..who knew... very yummy lol and she is there for me and supportive. Even my younger brother is supporting me and is acting as my personal trainer. He spends two hours of his time 5 days a week to kick my butt into shape and it's working! I am so lucky to have a family who supports me and wants what's best for me. I apologized to my mom by baking her a low fat vegan cake.I must admit, it was the best tasting cake i ever had.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Last year my mother made a lifestyle change and went on a vegan diet. She stopped going to "yummy restaurants" stopped keeping bacon and meat in the house, and for the love of god there was never any milk other than almond milk -.-. I realized that sometimes I would say things to her like " Eww why are you eating that?" or "Mom it looks like your sandwich is a garden, it looks disgusting!" now at the end of the year she is down almost 90 pounds and her body is BANGIN.

    In a sad moment of realization it came to me that ... I am the bad guy... Instead of encouraging her, I questioned her. Instead of telling her how proud I am of her, I chose not to eat dinner at her house with her "yucky vegan food". One day we went shopping together and we were giggling and trying on dresses, I realized that my 52 year old mother looked 100 times better in one of the dresses than i did. She was wearing size 10 pants when I was wearing 16's. I told her that day that I was tired of looking the way i did and I wanted to change my life. She said " Okay, we can do this together" And now I eat at her house all the time, she tells me about great recipes which are ..who knew... very yummy lol and she is there for me and supportive. Even my younger brother is supporting me and is acting as my personal trainer. He spends two hours of his time 5 days a week to kick my butt into shape and it's working! I am so lucky to have a family who supports me and wants what's best for me. I apologized to my mom by baking her a low fat vegan cake.I must admit, it was the best tasting cake i ever had.

    Love this story!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Yep. But I'm doing it for me and not for them.
  • jacey12300
    jacey12300 Posts: 18 Member
    YES! I can totally relate! My brother and dad are always going on about how 'exercise and diet' obsessed I am, well i'm sorry but as far as i'm aware wanting to eat healthier and exercise more is most definitely a good thing! I'm going to continue doing what i'm doing anyways! If i've lost 6lbs so far, i've gotta keep going!
  • koootenay
    koootenay Posts: 126 Member
    Last year my mother made a lifestyle change and went on a vegan diet. She stopped going to "yummy restaurants" stopped keeping bacon and meat in the house, and for the love of god there was never any milk other than almond milk -.-. I realized that sometimes I would say things to her like " Eww why are you eating that?" or "Mom it looks like your sandwich is a garden, it looks disgusting!" now at the end of the year she is down almost 90 pounds and her body is BANGIN.

    In a sad moment of realization it came to me that ... I am the bad guy... Instead of encouraging her, I questioned her. Instead of telling her how proud I am of her, I chose not to eat dinner at her house with her "yucky vegan food". One day we went shopping together and we were giggling and trying on dresses, I realized that my 52 year old mother looked 100 times better in one of the dresses than i did. She was wearing size 10 pants when I was wearing 16's. I told her that day that I was tired of looking the way i did and I wanted to change my life. She said " Okay, we can do this together" And now I eat at her house all the time, she tells me about great recipes which are ..who knew... very yummy lol and she is there for me and supportive. Even my younger brother is supporting me and is acting as my personal trainer. He spends two hours of his time 5 days a week to kick my butt into shape and it's working! I am so lucky to have a family who supports me and wants what's best for me. I apologized to my mom by baking her a low fat vegan cake.I must admit, it was the best tasting cake i ever had.

    ^^THIS^^ is beautiful : )
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    They did at first. Then they watched me lose a crap ton of weight, and now they're cool with it.

    same here...i still get "yelled" at when we go out and I order the healthy stuff...but they are cool with it.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Rob's pretty good about it, but he mutters when I say I'd like 100g of something. But he gets on with it lol.
    On the whole I've not had a huge problem with it, but then again I don't care as it's working for me.
  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    Well I just started on Wed, but some have, they said I'm less happy, or I'm acting like a B*tch. :( I think its just not having all the junkfood in my body. I used to eat a ton, so it's been hard eating healthier foods. But I don't care, I have to do this for me, and it's going to pay off.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    YES. Mostly from siblings and other family. They do it more in a snide remark, trying to be funny way. It's slowed down a lot now, though, that they see it is not a fad and something that is important to me. I've found, though, that most of the people are doing it because they are insecure with their own choices. It makes them look at themselves.