Keeping the weight off once your married

Hey everyone,

As many of you know (married or not) sometimes we just slack in the good habit department. Eating this instead of that, sleeping in instead of exercising, endulging in bigger portions than expected....blah blah blah. I know I am guilty of all these things. I have made a promise to myself to make bette decisions 1 week at a time. I am hoping that smalls goals like this will help me reach my long term goals :)
Sometimes we just get "comfortable" in our marriages and spend more time together eating food and cuddling on the couch then we do steaming vegetables and sweating at the gym.

I have decided to work on myself. Put the spice and excitement back into our marriage and give my husband something to drool over :D

If there are any other wifes, fiances, or girlfriends out there who know what I am talking about please feel free to add as a friend :)


  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    I understand this 100%! And while I have an career where I am stuck at a desk many days, he is out and about getting a sweaty workout. So when we indulge he is fine, I on the other hand...yea, you can tell. It makes it even more challenging because he doesn't see the results of continuous poor choices. But I am working on it!
