Any other shortys out there?



  • consideritdonemi
    consideritdonemi Posts: 88 Member
    5' 2 " and 40 y / o here. Started MFP at 143 lbs. and am at 130.5 within ~9 weeks so far. Am set to 1220 calories a day on MFP, but go over on most days...sometimes by A LOT. Lol. I only do cardio so far, but could definitely use some weight training to tone things up a bit. I just revised my goal weight to 120 lbs. from 125 lbs. My current weight is still a bit much for my frame, but progress is a wonderful thing!

    I log, keep my diary open, and interact daily. Any shorties can feel free to add me!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I have changed mine to pro 35, fat 25, carb 40 i feel ok and less hungry when i do this but its tricky to get the protein in.

    Agreed. I find it *very* difficult, especially since I don't eat much meat. Usually my main protein meal comes at dinnertime, when I'll have something like chicken or fish or beans or legumes. I don't eat red meat, pork, shellfish or any other meats, and I really hate things like canned tuna salad that many people eat at lunch. I also dislike eggs on their own for breakfast (though I'm happy to have them cooked into pancakes, french toast, other unhealthy choices), so I tend to have things like oatmeal or cereal and fresh fruit instead.

    I think it's easier and more realistic to change habits a few at a time. Maybe my current mix isn't ideal, but it's better than how I was eating before. The Atkins / low carb diets have never worked for me because I simply don't have the willpower to stick to them when all my favourite foods are carb-heavy.

    Not saying that would necessarily work for you. But I'm seeing results so far.