Getting disheartened

I have lost 34lbs so far, I want to lose another 25 - 30lbs. I have gone from 13stone 10lbs to 11stone 4lbs (I am 5ft 1inch and still classed as obese on BMI chart). My issue is, I have stuck to 1300 - 1400 calories from the beginning and was losing the odd pound or two regularly however it has now completely stopped.

The last 4 weeks I have been at a complete standstill going from 11stone 4 to 11stone 5 back down to 4. I am eating the same as I always do and sticking to my calories (weighing and measuring everything).

(Exercise wise, my job is very active, on my feet for 8 hours a day - walking roughly 10,000 - 20,000 steps a day) Apart from my job I do no extra exercise activities apart from walking around the park.

Anyone got any advice as I really miss seeing the numbers going down on the scale especially as I have so far to go.


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have lost 34lbs so far, I want to lose another 25 - 30lbs. I have gone from 13stone 10lbs to 11stone 4lbs (I am 5ft 1inch and still classed as obese on BMI chart). My issue is, I have stuck to 1300 - 1400 calories from the beginning and was losing the odd pound or two regularly however it has now completely stopped.

    The last 4 weeks I have been at a complete standstill going from 11stone 4 to 11stone 5 back down to 4. I am eating the same as I always do and sticking to my calories (weighing and measuring everything).

    (Exercise wise, my job is very active, on my feet for 8 hours a day - walking roughly 10,000 - 20,000 steps a day) Apart from my job I do no extra exercise activities apart from walking around the park.

    Anyone got any advice as I really miss seeing the numbers going down on the scale especially as I have so far to go.

    Congratulations, you've done great!

    Weight naturally fluctuates. However, have you adjusted your calorie goals to match your weight now? As we get smaller, we need less food to function.
  • invisiblelo
    invisiblelo Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for the reply and the congratulations :) I have just recalculated and my BMR is 1380 and my TDEE is 1910. I am basically eating at my BMR and have done all the way through this process. If I eat any more than this I know I will put on weight. Should I lower my calories? I've no idea how to kickstart this weight loss again.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Firstly wow you have done so well, don't focus on BMI so much because 1 person at 5ft 1 inch and weigh what you do may be unhealthy and another same height same weight may be healthy. Im 5ft 5 and weigh 10st 3lbs and just in healthy range 9st 6lbs is about average for my height but I am athletic and muscular id look really ill weighing that little. Feel free to add me but why not focus on toning or getting more definition in your body you may find weight drops a little but you will be happier. I focus on how my body looks rather than just a number on a scale I see
  • invisiblelo
    invisiblelo Posts: 98 Member
    Good advice thanks galprincess, however I feel I have more fat to lose before I start toning - or should I start toning now? I have no idea what to do for the best. Have you any advice how I go about starting to tone (is it possible to do in the house as due to my shift work going to the gym would take a lot of effort).

    I think I have become a little scale obsessed and I am determined to see 10 stone something on there. I just don't know how to start losing again. 4 weeks ago I wanted to see 10 stone something in time for halloween (party) but it hasn't happened which has really annoyed me.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Congrats on how far you have come! Make sure to adjust your calories as your weight changes and if your daily activities change. If you are getting in shape you may need to increase the intensity of your workouts. Also make sure to take body measurements, BMI, weight and Body Fat % scores every so often to see changes. You may be replacing fat with muscle which may cause the scale to slow down but your body measurements to continue dropping.

    I am actually very similar to you. I've lost over 30 pounds and wouldn't mind losing another 25-30! The past few months the scale has been staying steady (but my measurements were dropping). I started focusing on nutrition and kept pushing forward to get the scale dropping again.

    Good Luck :)
  • osoperezoso
    osoperezoso Posts: 11 Member
    Is this a situation where a few days or a week at maintenance calories could help? I profess no particular knowledge- but I wonder if your metabolism has gotten too used to your current low intake, and mixing it up a bit might help.

    Your weight might temporarily come back up with a few pounds of water weight as glycogen is restored, but that will fall back away when you return to eating at a deficit.

    Perhaps someone else can provide further insight?