Weights Before or After Cardio?



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I have heard weights first... that way you have all your energy for the lifting. less likely to injure yourself. I would honestly rather just do them on separate days.
  • edwardgaweda
    First, I advocate a 5-10min cardio limit pre-lifting as a warmup. Train hard, lift heavy and then do cardio afterwards.

    Second, the whole "circuit" concept is incredibly overblown in my opinion. Almost everyone I've seen do this uses machines and/or does almost purely isolation movements. Also, not resting to "keep your heart rate up" makes me extremely skeptical about your claim of "lifting heavy."

    Stick to free weights and compound lifts. Give yourself 60 seconds or so between sets, and really push yourself to get the most out of each rep/set.