staying fit post surgery ideas anyone?

Hi, I've just had surgery yesterday, now home and having a panic about how much weight im going to gain sitting around on my butt for the next few weeks....
Anyone have any ideas to burn calories/ keep fit post surgery? Was struggling before surgery and is going to make it really hard not to fall into bad habits! I cant use my arms or chest at all, having just had large sub-muscular implants (which have torn allready) and a breast lift.( finally getting rid of damage created from a weight problem and bad ps years ago! Yay!)
Any ideas other than walking to burn off some calories and get fit without injuring myself? I can use my cross trainer without arms in two weeks but looking for ideas to keep it fun but safe!

Any ideas would be really appreciated.


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Gaining weight would come from eating in a surplus. As long as you don't do that, you shouldn't gain weight.

    As for what you can do, you might ask your doctor/surgeon on your follow-up appointment. I have no experience with the surgery you had, so I can't say for certain what is good/bad to do right now.
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    OP, why dont you just focus on your recovery for the time being?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    After surgery, you need to take the downtime and let your body heal. I had the same procedure a few years back, and for the first week walking to the mailbox wore me out. DON'T weigh in at least for the first week! You'll almost certainly see an increase beyond the extra weight of the implants, which is swelling and water retention. Your body needs you to eat enough calories so it can heal. Ask your surgeon what to expect in the first two weeks -- I can't remember the time frame, but there was a certain amount of time when I wasn't allowed to increase my heart rate.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 809 Member
    Once your doctor clears you to exercise, other than walking, I'd think doing seated knee exercises (you can find them online) would be good to help maintain your strength until you are well enough to resume your normal activities. As for weight, just continue to do what you are doing--eating right, logging foods, etc. You might not feel much like eating at first, anyway.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 809 Member
    PS, Is your doctor going to refer you for physical therapy post surgery? That will be a great help.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    You can walk with implants. A breast augmentation is major surgery, yes, but it doesn't interfere with the use of legs. That's what I did until I was released to do more. I can guarantee the multi-staged surgeries I had were pretty rough, and I still managed to walk most days.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I did the exact opposite: I ate at a surplus on purpose, knowing that my body needed the extra energy to recover, and then went back to working out when the time was appropriate. I assume you're doing surgery because you think even though there's some short-term pain it will be better in the long run. So ask yourself which of these paths will you be glad you took six months from now.