Working towards losing 100lbs/Looking for MFP buddies

Hey everyone, I've been on MFP for a while but only tracked food on the app and didn't realize that the website version had message boards. This is great because I'm hoping to find others who have either lost a significant amount of weight or are looking to lose a significant amount of weight. And hopefully finding some like-minded MFP buddies who will help keep me accountable :smile:

A little about me, I'm 29, 5'3 and 230lbs. I was always on the chubbier side growing up but usually stayed around 150-160lbs. About 7 years ago I got to my lowest at 130lbs. I don't know how I let my weight get so out of control but I did so know I'm working on getting back to 130.

I work sitting behind a desk all day so I don't get much exercise during the workday. I (re)started my fitness journey last Tuesday on Oct 14. I've been tracking my food trying to hit 1400 calories/day. I've also been going to the gym 4 days a week for 1.5hrs, doing cardio and circuit training. To date, I've lost 2lbs which I think is on track but really I don't know what I'm doing. I want to start using free weights or the cable machines but I'm not sure how to use them. If anyone has any tips or know of any sites or forums with information, please let me know, I'd really appreciate it!