I'm 224 pounds :(

I'm from Thailand.. I'm feeling bad with my body. I always got the yoyo effect. How should i do? It makes me always give up.... :'( . I need some friends who understand how hard of this mission.


  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    Feel free to add me! I feel the same way, but if you really want it, then you can do it!!!!! I'm here for you :)
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    This is a great place to start,


    224 is definitely not that big, so don't feel down on yourself. A lot of people here, myself included, have started at much, much higher weights, and many have been able to get down to a healthy weight.

    Read the link above

    Go about this as a lifestyle change

    Don't get too hard on yourself

    Good luck!
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    I just started this journey. Plan to loose 50 pounds.
    Add me, we can encourage each other. :-)
  • I understand where you are coming from! Lost & gained back 3 times. Trying to make small changes I can live with. Friend me if you would like. :D
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    When I started here, I was 226 lbs. I started dieting and exercising, and did not see any changes right away -- but I kept it up and slowly started to lose weight. Sometimes, though, I would slip up (not make time to exercise, eat too much during the holidays) and gain a few pounds. But then I went back to exercising and logging all my calories, and after a little while, I was once again losing weight.
    Almost 1.5 years later, I'm down 43 pounds. But I'm only at this point because I stuck it out, and when I did slip up, rather than quitting, I got back on track. Losing weight and *keeping it off* is a slow process, because it takes time to learn new and healthier habits. And even with those new habits in place, every now and then I slip up and go back to my old ones. But, instead of getting discouraged when I see the scale go back up, I use that as motivation -- I've lost weight before, I know I can lose these pounds and keep on going.
    The key to losing weight is to count ALL calories as accurately as you can, exercise, be patient (it takes a while, but it's worth it!) and don't beat yourself when you slip up (we all slip up at some point!). You can do it!!!
  • pimpatcha
    pimpatcha Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everybody here! This number of weight in my country is like a ridiculous person.I always got the gossip and laugh on me behind. I will fight again and walking to the goal with you all. :)
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Since I joined MFP, I've lost 41 pounds and I plan on losing a lot more weight! So don't despair, with MFP you're at a great place! I have an MFP friend that's lost 230 pounds and wants to lose about 70 more pounds! My advice to you would be to buy a food scale and start weighing and measuring everything that you put in your body. Then (of course) you need to log what food you're eating as well as logging any exercise that you do. Anyone can meet their goals, no matter what their starting point is (for me it was 305 pounds). Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. B)
  • rhonda6374
    rhonda6374 Posts: 38 Member

    I started at 224 (under an old user name, I started over). I am now 207 and starting back. It is hard sometimes, but you can do it! The support here is wonderful. You are on the right track. You can friend me if you like.