45 kg lifter...

I lift heavy weights, but Im too skinny, yesterday I weight myself and the number on the scale scared me. Im 1.63m and weight 45 kg, until yesterday I was eating 160 grams of carbs, 120 grams of protein and 31 grams of fat, now I have decided to change my macros to 200 carbs, 125 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat, what do you guys think of those macros? should I change them or I will be available to gain some lean weight If I stick to hitting those macros? please answer, Im seriously tired of being this skinny, I look like a child even If Im 19 years old, I can see my abs and have a great muscle definition but I would seriously like to gain some weight... but lean weight.
do you also have any good breakfast, lunch or dinner ideas that would help me hitting those macros or gaining weight? btw, i would like to hit those macros with nutritional foods


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Those macros look good but I can't tell if it will help you gain weight. Does that take you into a calorie surplus?

    If so, have at it, you're going to love the bonus strength gains from the extra fuel.

    If not, set up a calorie surplus and you will add some shiny new muscle weight (and some fat, but sounds like that won't be an issue for you). If you get fed up eating just add calorie dense stuff like peanut butter, ice cream etc.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Everyone is different even if they have similar stats & goals so not sure how useful this is but I am a bit shorter than you, 1.6m (5ft3) & my macros are 214carbs 119protein 63fat. I currently weigh 108lbs. I started these numbers about 3months ago after upping my macros a little from maintenance & have been gaining approx 1.5lbs a month. Exercise strength training 2-3sessions a week for 45mins, cardio 2-3times a week either swimming, HIIT or group exercise classes at the gym.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Your macros seem pretty balanced overall but if you're looking to gain weight, the main thing is a calorie surplus and not the strict macro breakdown. Try your plan and if you're not gaining weight then add more calories. It's pretty simple.

    You really don't need to make drastic changes to your diet, especially at your proposed 1750 calories. At each meal just throw in some extra meat, some extra cheese or add an extra potato or a side of rice. Use heavier bread or drink full fat instead of skim milk. Cook your food with some oil. Or crap, just throw in a package of pop-tarts before your workout (easy 400 calories of mostly carbs right there) You get the idea, don't overthink it.
  • pgg001
    pgg001 Posts: 12
    edited October 2014
    Agree with the above. Add calories.

    Also look at your lifting. Are you lifting more (heavier) weights than you were two months ago / one month ago? If not, start lifting heavier each time (just keep incrementally increasing the stress on those muscles). Your body may simply have adjusted to the pattern/level of lifting you are doing. In that case, give it more energy, and more weight to contend with (safely of course)