Protein bars and weight gain?

mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
edited October 2014 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!

Just a quick blurb on where I am with my weight loss: I am 5'2, starting weight 130lbs, and a week ago I was down to 113lbs, however today the scale reads 115lbs. For awhile I was eating 1200cal/day but found it quite difficult, so as I approached my goal weight (of 112lbs) I started upping my calories by 50/week. This past week I have been eating 1450 cals, and also I have introduced protein bars into my diet because they keep me full and I'm not constantly thinking about food if I have one in between lunch (which is always low cal - somewhere between 200-300 calories) and dinner. I am still staying within the 1450 calorie range, but now that the scale is up a couple lbs I am worried that either a) 1450 cals is too much or b) the protein bars are somehow making me gain. I know the "rule" that a calorie is a calorie when trying to lose weight and these bars are basically a chemical cocktail, and not super high calorie (190), so that's probably not what's up with the gain, right?

If someone could ease my mind that it is just water weight I would be ever so grateful. :)


  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Maintaining usually means a day to day variance of a few pounds, so I wouldn't worry.

    If you're measuring your servings accurately, you're fine. Protein bars in and of themselves will not make you gain weight, it's good they keep you satiated.

    Make sure to weigh your food and all that. And fluctuations are part of life, it's going to happen.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Fluctuations plus or minus five pounds is normal for me. Factors are generally around fluid retention. Higher salt intake will do it. So will that glorious "time of the month". Most protein bars are around 200 cals, which I find too high for a mid-meal pick-me-up. I cut them in half for a 100 cal boost and that works great.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Yeah, fluctuations are normal. I find protein bars to be a little constipating, which would cause a quick (and temporary) gain.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm almost exactly the same stats as you (5'1" 112 lbs) and I've noticed I fluctuate a few pounds daily or weekly (esp depending on my cycle). However, I also noticed that protein bars slowed down my digestion and I tended to bloat when I ate them - so I also gained a couple pounds while I was eating them daily. I cut them out and the water weight and other stuff vanished. You might play around with the type of bar you're eating in case there's something in it you digest poorly (as I did - I think it was the soy in mine), or try finding other filling snacks (like nut butter on apples/celery, etc) that are less processed? Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it at all :)
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    Phew, thanks guys. I feel much better. :)