Age n Injury

As a 34yr old rugby player, I've had a strange few years, where having hit 30/31 I went from having a fairly injury free life, to being completely injury prone (hence Bonesofglass). As a result, everytime I think I'm getting back to fitness and start improving physically, I get injured and spiral into my bad eating habits, ballooning by 2 stone in some cases......I'm now 17lb down on my latest health kick and starting to see results, but I'm dreading how unkind the next few years will I'm about to hit 35, please dont say its all down hill from here and that I've just been unlucky..........

Have to say, some really helpful tips and advice on these message boards, aswell as some truly inspirational stories/journeys.......keep it up folks!


  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    Ant_the_old_keith_lemon Posts: 272 Member
    i can relate to that, i get injured and try to push too hard to get back to where i was.

    However the last time around i researched correct form for everything from lifting to running, and started off building week on week.

    touch wood its all going well.

    there is a guy i know of 93 who goes to a gym i frequent.... you want to see him on a bike! total madness.
  • bonesofglass
    93! I'd be happy with that! I got 12 years left till I'm able to play rugby with my 2 sons. After that, I'll hang my boots up. In the meantime, just need to keep my head above water so to speak with training and diet. When I'm fit, theres no issue, my motivation and discipline are excellent.....its just those periods of injury and being unable train....the brain thinks balls to it......EAT.....LOTS!
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    Ant_the_old_keith_lemon Posts: 272 Member
    yeah, the boredom factor!

    i say if you are doing it to give your lads a head start why not do some major swatting up if you are injured - do a home course in a science subject. then you can train bodies and minds? and beat the boredom?!