Hot or Not, Parting Thought

Ad ogni pazzo piace il suon del suo sonaglio.

Every fool likes the sound of their folly. 'Tis hard to believe some people here have full-time jobs and families. American productivity at work.

Am I hot? Yes, and you are not. And I would not want you naked before me, but... I would marry you for a small fortune, which I would invest in a cabana where scantily clad bronzed women serve me potent elixirs, or perhaps a villa in Europe where the same situation would transpire with wine and figs.

Otherwise I dump you, and pass.

Here in the countryside, the leaves are turning marigold, crimson. In the woods on walks I come and go-ma non con te partiro. A turn has arrived on a path, and I take it.

And so, arrividerci. To my friends, I shall miss ye. To my enemies, I blow smoke in your face, then as you are grimacing, I spit wine in your general direction.

Though you may rush to quell my pen, Le Grand Cocteau shall strike again.

A flourish,


  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    Ad ogni pazzo piace il suon del suo sonaglio.

    Every fool likes the sound of their folly. 'Tis hard to believe some people here have full-time jobs and families. American productivity at work.

    Am I hot? Yes, and you are not. And I would not want you naked before me, but... I would marry you for a small fortune, which I would invest in a cabana where scantily clad bronzed women serve me potent elixirs, or perhaps a villa in Europe where the same situation would transpire with wine and figs.

    Otherwise I dump you, and pass.

    Here in the countryside, the leaves are turning marigold, crimson. In the woods on walks I come and go-ma non con te partiro. A turn has arrived on a path, and I take it.

    And so, arrividerci. To my friends, I shall miss ye. To my enemies, I blow smoke in your face, then as you are grimacing, I spit wine in your general direction.

    Though you may rush to quell my pen, Le Grand Cocteau shall strike again.

    A flourish,


  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    The Wordman will always live on
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    I hope jbutterfly sees this and makes a come back!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member

    Don't go too long - your posts are a brilliant read.