Back at it again!!!

My story is almost exactly the same. Minus the zumba and wanting to be a vegetarian. Maybe we can keep each other motivated !! My reasons for losing weight in the past had always been for an event of some kind but now at 175 pounds at 5'2" and 53 years old it is a health issue as well. So if i ever want to run with the grand children (I don't have any yet") but hope to , I want to be the healthy fun Grandma and wife that has the stamina and style to be the "cool" Grandma. How three years after looking and feeling fabulous at 50 I got to this unhealthy place is discouraging and embarrassing for me. Making yet another effort to win this battle of the bulge.I thought of going back to WW but think I may use that as a crutch to continue bad glutenous habits, so hear goes!! :blush: