Need some pals!

Hello fellow fitnesspals. I've let myself go a bit over the last 18 months and now is the time to sort it out. At the moment I'm a hefty 243lbs...ouch! And I'm planning on losing around 75lbs. I got down to around 190lbs a couple of years ago through lots of running and hill walking so I know I can do it #[pand I'm keen to get back into a similar routine... but it's my food habits that I need to sort out first. I like big meals, beer and crisps, and have the occasional binge when I'm stressed/bored. I'm sick of the way people treat me now that I'm larger and I really want to lose the weight for both my health and happiness.

Feel free to add me :)


  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    HI there!! Welcome aboard!!! I love all of the same things as you. Unfortunately, it took taking myself away from beer to start losing my beer belly and pounds (I'm currently voluntarily deployed to Afghanistan, where alcohol is prohibited). I miss it so!!!!