Lost weight felt good put back on..

i lost 12 pounds earlier this year went from 10st 5 to 9st 7, felt loads better about myself (I know I was never fat but my stomach is a problem area and I just wanted to be a bit more slim and toned. If I had stayed at home and carried on im sure I'd have done great but I've been travelling and despite not eating BADLY I wasn't eating as good I was before (didn't make major sacrifices was eating nice healthy food it wasn't a diet more a lifestyle change) and exercising regularly was hard at points, I kept my running up as much as possible as well as ab toning exercises when I could. Now I'm home again and haven't weighed myself but I just know I've gained a lot back I look so much chubbier and my belly is all wobbly again as well my arms looking bigger again. I'm so upset and feel like it's gonna take ages to get where I was again and feeling as comfortable as I was (it was probably the best I'd ever felt about myself)

How do I come back from this and can I do it fast, should I weivh myself to check how much it will it make me even more upset? any advice would be great as its really stressing me out!


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    1. Why get stressed about it? its happened you just have to decide whether you are going to deal with it.
    2. You have experience in losing weight.
    3. You know most of what went wrong and those dont apply now.
    4. You need to weigh yourself because you need to know what weight you are at so you cna figure out how much you want to lose. It will be more effective to know your weight if you wnat to use MFP, which im assuming you used.
    5. Its just a number and im betting its not half as bad as you think or other people would think. The stress and beating yourself up about it is probably worse than knowing becayse by knowing you are having to face up to the task ahead.
    6. Look at the success section and you will seee people who have lost 100 or 200 pounds becayse they had the wish and determination to do it. They learnt how to do it.
    7. You know the safe way for weight loss is.5-2 pounds a week. So lest say its safe for you to lose 1lb a week and you put on 36 pounds, a rough guide is can you watch what you eat for 36 weeks and do a bit of exercise? It could be less it could be more but virtually everyone on this site is doing it or trying to.
    8. As for doing it fast then possible although people promote here to do it safely and sustainably so you dont put it all back on again or lose more muscle than you need to. Is fast worth sacrificing that for?
    9. So yes you can come back from it if you have determination and apply yourself because in the big scheme of things people cope with a lot more than putting on a few stone.
    10. Read the forums if you havent already including the stickys, work out a plan, get some mfp friends and then get cracking.

    Logging accurately what you eat is one of the conerstones of eating at a deficit to lose weight successfully.
  • fleurblur
    fleurblur Posts: 6 Member
    I did exactly the same a few years ago, I started at 10 stone 3lb and got down to 9 stone 9, I looked and felt amazing.I slowly but surely put all the weight back on and got to my heaviest at 11 stone 7lb (when I eventually weighed myself).
    When I got to my heaviest I knew I needed to stop making excuses and decided to slow things right down to 1lb a week loss.
    I increased my activity level and set myself small goals , 10,000 steps a day ,7 minute full body workout and squat challenge.Fitting in activity when I could and finding healthy foods I love ,try lots of new things!
    Im now down to 10 stone 3lb again. It has been a bumpy road up and down but I've made small changes and kept my goals in mind.They have become habits and now are part of my lifestyle.
    Maybe this could work for you?Find out what you enjoy and don't give up on your goal weight even if the journey ahead seems a long way off.One day at a time with one week at a time!If I can loose 15lbs and I am a chocoholic and an emotional eater anyone can!

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You know what needs to be done and you know it shouldn't be done "quickly". Stress causes women to be counterproductive in weight loss, so relax and get to it!
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    Yes weigh yourself and don't be too hard on yourself. We all slip up from time.Just get back on track and you will lose it again in no time