Could I be gaining muscle?

For the last 6 months, I have been exercising using a treadmill. But since the weather has gotten warmer, I've started swimming and keeping the treadmill routine going on days where it's not so hot.

The day after I swam for the first time, my lower back, arms and the back of my legs hurt really badly. I don't usually use those muscles when I'm working out, so that explains that. However, I stepped on the scales a few days afterward, I gained half a kilo! I have been eating normally and have had no changes to my diet whatsoever. Could I be gaining muscle?


  • mgermo
    mgermo Posts: 11 Member
    You cant gain 0.5kg of muscles in few swims. Besides that weight is normal weight fluctuation.
  • aimozz
    aimozz Posts: 27
    Fair enough. Thank you.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Water weight from muscle repair, hormones or natural fluctuations - keep going it will drop
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    When muscles are healing from exercise, they swell with water. Your weight gain is simply temporary water weight. Muscles require a surplus of energy to grow, you cannot grow muscles if you are eating a deficit. It is also extremely hard to grow muscles as a female.