An I working out too much/eating too much?

To give some background information I am 17, 137 lbs, and 5'4". I want lose about 15 lbs but my main focus is toning up a lot San losing maybe a size. I used to have an eating disorder and so I am trying to make my meals very planned out so that I won't have room to settle for unhealthy foods. I am trying to eat about a 40/30/30 ratio of c/p/f. I am going to focus on lean meats and produce and nuts, and keep my carbs gluten free. I am going to try and eat a net amount of 1300 calories per day. Here's the thing though, I love to work out, it's a good thing because I always prioritize it and its not a chore for me like it is for some. The problem is that I don't want to be counterproductive and overtrain. I have been going to the gym but I want to do p90x too. I have also obtained a love for running and it's really good for building up my lung stamina (I have asthma). So here's what I'm thinking:
Day 1- AM run 3 miles, upper body lifting PM p90x chest and back
Day 2- AM run 3 miles, lower body lifting PM p90x yoga
Day 3- plyo metrics
Day 4- AM run 3 miles, upper body lifting PM p90x shoulders and arms
Day 5- AM run 3 miles, lower body lifting PM p90x legs and back
Day 6- run 3 miles, abs
Day 7- rest

So right now I'm just working out once a day eating about 1700 calories a day while doing just the AM routines shown above. If I add about 400 calories to my diet on the days that I work out at night too would that work?

I'm very OCD and I have failed at successfully reaching my fitness goals many times and I want it to be right this time