Weekend Sabotage

Hi, so hubby and I have started on a healthy eating path together and last week was our first week...we did great, breakfast/lunch & dinner were on track and we were feeling great. Then the weekend came and he stuck to the plan and I bombed...I found every opportunity to sneak food, candy, junk, etc. I hide everything from him and the kids. I feel so guilty and just want to give up. He obviously has the will power to stop himself from this type of eating and I don't. I know today is a new day, but it feel so pointless to have a great week and then throw it all away on the weekend.

Can you tell me how you handle your weekends? I find I eat out of boredom and emotion. Thanks


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Acknowledge it. Log it and fess up to hubby. It is more about coping mechanisms than willpower. Find something else to do when you are bored. I tend to exercise and have a balance ball sitting in the living room if I get bored watching TV. Find other ways to cope with emotional stress. I tend to write or journal. You can do this.