Really easy prepare in advance breakfast ideas, please

I have been making a breakfast bar (cup almonds, cup dates, cup mixed dried berries and cherries, tbsp linseeds, tbsp cacao nibs) because I got bored of my regular breakfast (frozen mixed berries, oats, low fat greek yoghurt). The breakfast bar is great because I can make a batch at the weekend in ten minutes and it can't spill yoghurt in my work bag. However it is bad because it is high sugar and fat but not much in the way of protein. It fills me up but I think I need a better option that I can still make in advance as mornings are not when I am at my best! Please suggest something foolproof.


  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I've had some luck with omelet muffins. Essentially, eggs with veggies and some meat (ground turkey sausage or something) that I bake in a muffin tin. Once baked, they freeze well and I can grab two when I'm heading out the door and let them either defrost on their own or zap 'em in the microwave.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    -Cottage cheese & fruit. I like jarred peaches (low syrup). Pre-measure and store in Tupperware in the fridge the night before
    -Veggie frittatas. Egg, cheese, veggies (I like onion and bell pepper) baked in muffin pans. They freeze well. I made mine about 100 calories per frittata and would eat them two at a time.
    -Hard boiled eggs. I keep sea salt in my desk at work. 2 hard boiled eggs with salt and coffee and I'm stuffed.
    -Crock pot oatmeal. I'm crazy for that recipe, but there are many other oatmeals that you can make a large batch of and then eat throughout the week. I cut down the butter in the recipe.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Yogurt or cottage cheese with pecans or sliced almonds.
  • willdb76
    There's an excellent no fat, no sugar banana cookie recipe on this site. Basically mashed banana mixed with porridgeoats/flaked oats formed into cookies and baked (cinnamon and raisins to taste).

    They aren't exactly 'to die for', but they are filling and quite healthy!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    make your own granola/cereal bars!!!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    willdb76 wrote: »
    There's an excellent no fat, no sugar banana cookie recipe on this site. Basically mashed banana mixed with porridgeoats/flaked oats formed into cookies and baked (cinnamon and raisins to taste).

    They aren't exactly 'to die for', but they are filling and quite healthy!

    I do this. I get the pepperidge farm breakfasty cookies, like the banana nut muffin cookies. I know its a cookie and it has sugar and all that stuff plus gluten - but warmed up in the microwave with a cinnamon coffee...


  • skinnycow256
    Paige682 wrote: »
    I've had some luck with omelet muffins. Essentially, eggs with veggies and some meat (ground turkey sausage or something) that I bake in a muffin tin. Once baked, they freeze well and I can grab two when I'm heading out the door and let them either defrost on their own or zap 'em in the microwave.

    That sounds super good! Thanks for sharing. Great idea!

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Cereals and milk, toast... Classics
  • Ringo1812
    Ringo1812 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been seeing a lot of this breakfast in muffin tins lately. Why I never thought of this before. Wish I had thought of it when I had to go out to work. Have got to try some of these!!!
  • skinnycow256
    spend a morning on one of ur days off and make some "breakfast burritos" and freeze them in zip lock freezer baggies. Then just pop in the micro and u can eat on the run. I like using Mission Carb control tortillas because they have 20 grams of fiber in them. Thats a great start to your day.