Getting judged after the loss



  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    ive actually done this before to people, but in my defense i have been around and seen many people with actual eating disorders and you can really tell when they do have one. i was alittle worried about my one friend she was 5"11 and wanted to weight 125 i thought it was alttile drastic, but i knew she eat so i didnt press the issue to much. the problem is that when people actually have an eating disorder they loose weight so quickly one time you see them they look good you give them all sorts of complements, the next there bones are sticking out every ware i know of at least 3 people who literally were all bones when you actually see it your stomach dropped and you feel sick. thats how you know someone really went to far anything else is speculation an or jealousy.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    i would actually like to add if you really have a disorder/ to the point of being unhealthy physically, the opposite happens people will not say anything, they will be really quite, and avoid eye contact.