Vegan Athlete in Austin Texas

Eat_Plants_Lift_Iron Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all of you increasing fit and always fabulous MFP people!
My handle is Eat_Plants_Lift_Iron and I'm 6 months into the vegan strength and conditioning lifestyle. I like to lift heavy stuff, get my AMRAP and TABATA on, swim, bike, run, longboard, and run my three big dogs 2-3 mi per day with the occassional mixed bag of Fartlek style "puppy sprints."
I am still leaning too heavily upon processed vegan comfort foods and would really appreciate hearing from other vegan strength athletes who train (increasingly) processed food free and (increasingly) raw.
Eat Plants & Lift Iron for the win!
Thank you!


  • inukshuk1960
    inukshuk1960 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been vegetarian most of my left and went completely plant-based 2 years ago and love it. I don't go near the processed vegan foods, too much junk in them.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member