Before pics made me cry.

I am not really sure if this is were I should post this but I've been using MFP for about a month. In that time I have lost 18 lbs as of today. I see the number but until today did't feel like I was changing my appearance that much. I have noticed other changes like more energy, better mood, and less back pain. The thing is I haven't really lost any weight from my face so I couldn't tell. For years I've avoided mirrors and pictures. When I do look in a mirror or take a picture is just of face. So today I decided to take some before pics( kinda late but I was too embarrassed before). When I changed into my bathing suit for the pics and looked at myself for the fist time in a really long time I started crying. I can see the difference. I was so overwhelmed with pride and happiness. I still have a long way to go (100+ lbs) but today renewed my wavering commitment. :D


  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    Yay! Go you! :D
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Way to go girly! Stick with it and you will keep seeing the positive changes! :)
  • Tiki1978
    Tiki1978 Posts: 364
    You are in the right place and 18lbs is amazing! dont let the numbers overwhelm! You are doing fantastic!
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Good for you! You're so beautiful, you should really take more pictures :) Love yourself and be kind to yourself because you deserve it.
  • swaistle
    swaistle Posts: 119 Member
    edited October 2014
    Honestly you'll be happy you got them photos! I was the same, ashamed/embarrassed to take photos but I've started doing them. I've only lost 30lb but I can see a difference finally.

    And now I have something to look upon when I doubt the mirror :)

    Well done on loss so far it's a fantastic loss! Keep it up! :smiley:
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    congrats take it one day at a time. keep working towards your goal

  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    *HUGE HUGS* I am SO very proud of you! Way to go! That is awesome! It takes a lot of courage to face our fears, and I know it took a lot for you to decide to take those pictures! And then, how AWESOME was it that you were able to see the loss! Sometimes, it does take longer to be able to really see it for ourselves, but when you put on certain clothes, it becomes extremely obvious. I agree with the other posters- you are a very beautiful woman! Definitely don't avoid the camera! Hold your head high, you're doing a wonderful job, and well on your way! Huge congrats! :D

    And Swaistle you look amazing! HUGE CONGRATS on your loss as well!!! Way to go! :D
  • amy_lynn007
    amy_lynn007 Posts: 48 Member
    Good for you :) I'm so happy to hear stories like this
  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    You're so young and so beautiful, you're doing a great job. Never give up.
  • barnettchicks
    barnettchicks Posts: 11 Member
    It is hard but you are doing amazing! Progress pics and be such an encouragement. I personally like to go by how my clothes fit. Keep going YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    WTG, kudos on the 18 lbs!

    I'm the same. I don't have any before pics. Even though the camera is always out at our house, for pics of the kids, I'm in almost none of them, as I didn't like pics of myself. Now I wish I had taken some. Not only for "before pics", but I realized that when the kids get older I won't have any pics of me and the kids when they were little. :(

  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    Awww! Yay!!!
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    GO YOU!!!!!!
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Here's you some inspiration. I just found some pictures of me. I was right around 400lbs in these:







    Trust me, if anyone NEEDED to cry, it should've been me. Sadly enough, with the exception of the one in the back of the cop car, those were my "good" pictures. Or, the ones I thought I looked good in back then. Didn't see myself *that* big. In ALL of those pictures, I had fake hair. My hair was "clip on" because I'd lost most of my hair to PCOS.

    Now, ALL of my hair is my own! :smiley: Trust me, you will be SO happy you've got these pictures. Don't throw away any pictures, no matter how much you hate them. I went looking today for some pictures that I'm pretty sure I've thrown away. I wish I hadn't. They were doozies. They'd put these to absolute shame.

    This was taken last month at 221lbs. I'm almost half of who I was in the other pictures.


    And this was taken Saturday night (there is crinoline under my skirt)


    You can do this! It takes time, but one day, you'll be posting pictures like these in the success story forum! Keep up the good work!

  • StephTheVeggieKiller
    Miss_1999 wrote: »
    Here's you some inspiration. I just found some pictures of me. I was right around 400lbs in these:







    Trust me, if anyone NEEDED to cry, it should've been me. Sadly enough, with the exception of the one in the back of the cop car, those were my "good" pictures. Or, the ones I thought I looked good in back then. Didn't see myself *that* big. In ALL of those pictures, I had fake hair. My hair was "clip on" because I'd lost most of my hair to PCOS.

    Now, ALL of my hair is my own! :smiley: Trust me, you will be SO happy you've got these pictures. Don't throw away any pictures, no matter how much you hate them. I went looking today for some pictures that I'm pretty sure I've thrown away. I wish I hadn't. They were doozies. They'd put these to absolute shame.

    This was taken last month at 221lbs. I'm almost half of who I was in the other pictures.


    And this was taken Saturday night (there is crinoline under my skirt)


    You can do this! It takes time, but one day, you'll be posting pictures like these in the success story forum! Keep up the good work!

    Girl, you are a superhero!!!!! Great work to all you amazing ladies! If you want to add me as a friend, please do :) Id love inspiration from you!
  • Pudnyn1
    Don't take pictures because the truth hurts.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    edited October 2014
    Do you have some of your day 1 or before WOE pics? Maybe use them as a motivator like blowing them up as your desktop wallpaper or wallet size and laminated them to carry with you. Maybe that will help with internal encouragement and comparison with all pics moving forward (like the ones taken today) will continue to be a positive result.

    Congrats on your progress.
  • apare351
    congrats. In my opinion starting is the hardest part, once you see results it almost becomes like an addiction (in a good way!) Keep up the good work and I have no doubt that you will get there.

    Whenever it gets hard to keep going don't think about how far you have left to go think of how far you already have gone
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    kaystep33 wrote: »
    I am not really sure if this is were I should post this but I've been using MFP for about a month. In that time I have lost 18 lbs as of today. I see the number but until today did't feel like I was changing my appearance that much. I have noticed other changes like more energy, better mood, and less back pain. The thing is I haven't really lost any weight from my face so I couldn't tell. For years I've avoided mirrors and pictures. When I do look in a mirror or take a picture is just of face. So today I decided to take some before pics( kinda late but I was too embarrassed before). When I changed into my bathing suit for the pics and looked at myself for the fist time in a really long time I started crying. I can see the difference. I was so overwhelmed with pride and happiness. I still have a long way to go (100+ lbs) but today renewed my wavering commitment. :D

    You'll do it. I am just starting out, too - a month into it.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Pudnyn1 wrote: »
    Don't take pictures because the truth hurts.

    Did you read the post?