How do I get my wife to accept me lifting lightly?

jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
I knew exactly where to put this and I don't care if it's in the wrong category. I started light weights about a month ago. My wife hasn't really been happy with me lifting lightly but lately it's become more obvious. When I started she told me she didn't want me to get wimpy. I tried to explain to her that wouldn't happen accidentally and even had her look through a thread on here of men who lift light and how they are not wimpy but it didn't really do much. It really doesn't help put her mind at ease that the two men I am getting tips from are "wimpy" men.

Now she says it feels like I don't need her anymore. I guess in some ways, she's kind of right. I don't need her to serve Muscle Milk for me anymore because I'm actually still strong enough to do it myself (yes, that really was something I could for years now). But that doesn't mean I don't still need her in my life. I'm just capable of doing some things for myself now.

She also told me this weekend that my workouts are increasing our sex life. I workout for 45 minutes 3x a week. I didn't make a fight about it but I know she saw it hurt me when she said it so a few minutes later she said she was just joking. It didn't sound like she was complaining, though.

Now we both have an old fashion mindset. I don't wear underwear, I don't allow her to cook dinner, she doesn't allow me to BBQ or take the trash out, you get the idea. Me getting weak doesn't really fit that mindset. We both always felt like a man should be strong and manly. I understand now that a man can be soft and gentle and be strong at the same time but she doesn't.

What can I do to get her to understand, or at least accept, that I'm going to lift light weights and I'm going to get wimpy but nothing else is changing? Any other men out there have this problem?


  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Thats just mean! That girl was really searching for real help. With you fake post I guess you are what your name implies!