How often do you screw up?

Last week was a catastrophy. I became sick, I was going over my caloric limit and I didn't exercise enough to compensate. Actually, I barely exercised. Today I had a better day and I feel remarkably better. Still no exercise though. I plan to start tommorow. How often do you screw up? Will I be OK?


  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    Sometimes I have a bad day every week, sometimes it's only every few weeks. You'll be fine. Just get back on that horse tomorrow!
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    It's only one day of how many you have in your life? Life goes on, just don't let it become a habit :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Developing healthful habits takes time. People have this very unrealistic idea that they can just flip a switch and be off to the takes's a process. You can't expect to make whole sale changes to the way you live life overnight...that's just not realistic.

    I'm two years into this little safari I call good livin'...I'm still working on things...and always will be...I can always be better today than I was yesterday...always.

    Also, life have to get out of this mentality that if you miss a workout, you've screwed up or happens...when you start to see the bigger picture, missing a workout here and there is inconsequential to the's all about developing healthful habits and what you're doing most of the want to develop a level of consistency, but if you think you're going to hit every workout, all of the time, and be 100% kick *kitten* on your nutrition all of the time, you're dreamin''s not a very realistic outlook.

    Just focus on the process. Focus on making little changes here and there every day, every week, every month...before you know it, you'll be two years down the road and looking back and saying, "holy *kitten*...I frackin' rock...I can't believe how far I've come...and I can still do better."

    It's a process.
  • TanyaLafley
    TanyaLafley Posts: 62 Member
    I screw up about once every month or so. But when I's a doozy!!
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Everyday... every week... oh well,life goes on. :neutral_face:
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Every. Single. Day.

    But... C'est la vie.
  • littlej01
    littlej01 Posts: 30 Member
    You get a fresh start every time you decide to wake up and try. So don't stress too much about it. Life happens and you have a bad day/week/month/year! But when you decide to try then at least you're making progress to get back on track. I screw up all the time!!!
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    Daily. :/
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I did what I thought was screwing up for a month straight. When I overcame the emotional stuff I was going through and decided to start over, I was pleasantly surprised to see I hadn't gained weight. What I thought was binging for a month was really just me eating at maintenance. Definitely motivated me to log my food and exercise again :) on average id say I "mess up" maybe once a week but I no longer let it get to me, messing up Is part of the process.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Every. Single. Day.

    But... C'est la vie.

  • Self_Kontrol_Is_Key
    the best way to get over a "screw up" as you call it, is to have an amazing next day.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    you will be fine. the key is never give up. you see a fair amount of threads re starting over. starting over i think is far harder then messing up once in awhile.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I screw up every so often. As long as you don't do what I did, let it become a habit everyday and gain it all back You'll be fine.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    When you were eating unhealthy and you screwed up and accidentally ate broccolli did you lose 20lbs instantly? Nope. Screw ups are part of life just live and learn. You're not going to gain 20lbs instantly if you screw up.
  • RoseBred
    RoseBred Posts: 96 Member
    I did what I thought was screwing up for a month straight. When I overcame the emotional stuff I was going through and decided to start over, I was pleasantly surprised to see I hadn't gained weight. What I thought was binging for a month was really just me eating at maintenance. Definitely motivated me to log my food and exercise again :) on average id say I "mess up" maybe once a week but I no longer let it get to me, messing up Is part of the process.

    I agree with the above. Just do not let one bad day turns into weeks....
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I screw up frequently... at varying levels of severity. Honestly, it's something that I am constantly learning to improve from and deal with cravings. It's also not healthy to be too strict, I know I usually crash and burn when I do that. Allow little treats without going overboard and keep fit and active to balance everything. Keep moving forward because you can't change what you've eaten in the past but you DO have control of future meals :)
  • courtneybrooke27
    courtneybrooke27 Posts: 97 Member
    I never look at it as 'screwing up'. It's a natural part of the process. Everyone has their ups and downs. The important thing is you get back on the horse and give it your all! I also believe that a healthy lifestyle doesn't involve deprivation, so when you're having cravings or you're not feeling well, listen to your body and give it what it wants (without going off the deep end for a long length of time). It's part of a healthy lifestyle, and your goals can be achieved this way! Good luck and I hope you feel better :)