Any other vegetarians/vegans want to be friends?

Hi there, I'm Lia, just started here a week ago. I'm 19, vegetarian since I was 12 and currently transitioning into veganism, working hard to lose about 55 pounds. Looking for friends to share tips and recipes and more importantly motivation!


  • TDoyle85
    TDoyle85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I have recently become vegan too and would love a chance to share recipes and ideas!
  • jhboise
    jhboise Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Lia--I am also a vegan (though I am a pescetarian when we eat out). There's a board here for vegans that it took me a while to find, but there are lots of others there that may not see this! Just do a search for "vegans" or "vegetarians." And welcome!