Eating your exercise calories



  • EmeraldRain
    EmeraldRain Posts: 22 Member
    I think everyone is different, the best way to know, is to try different ways and see what works best for you :) just make sure you are losing weight safely.
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    If you want to maintain then you should eat them back. If your wanting to lose then your fine.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    I need a cup of tea chat with arditarose! The thing is I don't want to go so low that I have to always keep low because that seems gahhhh and I want to be able to eat a reasonable amount.
    A question... Now I haven't used my mfp app for a while and I notice that the calories are set on 1200 and I'm not sure if I did that or if it automatically does that in settings. I know that it addson my excersise calories... I guess I could just plug them in myself from my hr monitor right? So then I wouldn't get the over estimation? Also what amount of calories would be right to eat for someone 167 cm and 77 kilos to lose weight ? I guess I can google that and work it out :-)
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I do eat my exercise calories back...kind of. I think that the estimated burn is way to high on MFP so I eat back 1/3-1/2. Sometimes a bit more if I am really famished. The thing that makes it difficult for me is that I tend to only be able to find time to work out after 8pm, if I'm lucky, most days my workout hour is usually 10-11pm. It's hard to eat back all those calories before bed. I don't want to eat them earlier in the day because I might get called out on a 911 call and not get my workout's a catch 22, for sure.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Ahhh yes that's tricky :-(
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Hmmm maybe I won't eat them back then... There seems to be some differing opinions!
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    So after a good read around the forums here I have reset my daily calories to 1470 and will plug in the calories I burn from my heart rate monitor and eat them back! As I said I'm a slow steady kind of girl and I also work out quite hard and need the energy. I'm quite happy not to be a 1200 girl :-) I shall let you know how I go ...
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Edie30 wrote: »
    I need a cup of tea chat with arditarose! The thing is I don't want to go so low that I have to always keep low because that seems gahhhh and I want to be able to eat a reasonable amount.
    A question... Now I haven't used my mfp app for a while and I notice that the calories are set on 1200 and I'm not sure if I did that or if it automatically does that in settings. I know that it addson my excersise calories..

    update it yourself using current stats and future goals.

    . I guess I could just plug them in myself from my hr monitor right? So then I wouldn't get the over estimation? Also what amount of calories would be right to eat for someone 167 cm and 77 kilos to lose weight ? I guess I can google that and work it out :-)

    depending on monitor,you can sync it with mfp.

    as 50sfit pointed out correctly,there are many reasons to eat back exercise calories including the loss of lean muscle.
    do you incorporate any strength training?
    i notice you use a personal trainer too, whats their input?

    there is a definitive thread on here,just search. eating back exercise cals.
    sorry dont have skills to link it from ipad.

    great work so far!
  • Tacita88
    Tacita88 Posts: 10 Member
    I eat half, but only in protein dense foods.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Edie wrote:
    What do you think about eating your exercise calories?
    Should you eat your excercise calories too or does it not matter if you don't and stick to the 1200.
    My doctor & dietician told me to eat calories equal to 10x my healthy goal weight (in pounds), and ignore exercise.
    Exercise is a bonus.
    Most people underestimate what they eat, and most machines (including MFP) overestimate what you burn.

    So if 120 lb is a healthy weight for your height (look at a BMI chart), eating 1200 cal would be OK. Difficult, but OK.
    If you're really hungry some evening, eat 1/3 to 1/2 of your exercise cal that day.

    This sounds like terrible advice. If I only ate 1450 calories per day I would waste away to nothing. I am losing weight at 2500/day.

  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Thanks guys for that input. Yes I'm lifting weights with my trainer. He's the big beefy bodybuilder type and reckons EAT! so yep I am eating the 1470 a day plus most of the excersise calories though I seem to often have around 200 left over but I reckon that works for any slight errors in calories. I'm already seeing the scale go down! Fancy that! And although I've always said ' gahhhh I could never be a calorie counter' it's been an education over the last few days as I was clearly underestimating a bit so I think it will work for a while. Thanks for all your advice :-)
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    I only eat back partial calories when I'm trying to lose weight. Basically I put in all workouts as walking because I'm pretty sure MFP overestimates on pretty much all other forms of exercise. Then I eat back only that amount leaving any extra calories I didn't account for as a bonus. I lost 95 lbs doing that.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    PAtinCO wrote: »
    I only eat back partial calorieIs when I'm trying to lose weight. Basically I put in all workouts as walking because I'm pretty sure MFP overestimates on pretty much all other forms of exercise. Then I eat back only that amount leaving any extra calories I didn't account for as a bonus. I lost 95 lbs doing that.

    Yes it so overestimates eh! So yes I don't use mfp suggestions I just plug it in directly from what is on my hrm and don't count weight sessions. That seems to work well for me. Well done on that weight loss :-))
  • blonditz
    blonditz Posts: 83 Member
    I do eat my exercise calories back...kind of. I think that the estimated burn is way to high on MFP so I eat back 1/3-1/2. Sometimes a bit more if I am really famished. The thing that makes it difficult for me is that I tend to only be able to find time to work out after 8pm, if I'm lucky, most days my workout hour is usually 10-11pm. It's hard to eat back all those calories before bed. I don't want to eat them earlier in the day because I might get called out on a 911 call and not get my workout's a catch 22, for sure.

    I think in your situation I would add those calories to the following day. Like if you workout at 10pm Thursday night, add those calories to Friday's goal. Wouldn't be much different than me working out first thing in the morning and eating those calories back at dinner. Might make it easier for you to plan though.