Done it all before

This is truly hard to write for me. I'm erica, I'm 23 years old. I've had issues with my weight back when I was 19 after pregnancy, due to preeclampsia. After I had my daughter, I worked hard, used MFP, and lost 50 pounds, and looked good, in my opinion. I was very happy with myself. Kept that weight off for quite a while, 6 months ago, I lost my job, moved and had a few life changed, and gained all that weight back, within JUST 6 months. At first I was so mad at myself for throwing all that hard work out the window, and having nothing to show for it, I'd cry when I tried on clothes, and not even want to go out anymore. I'm done doing that, I've lost the weight before, so why can't I do that now. And I will lose it. Currently I'm and 206, and 5'6, I have an awesome new job, amazing boyfriend, and best 3 year old there is. (Going on four in November lol) I will make it through this, but having some motivation along the way would be much appreciated! Anyone who has open journals I can get ideas from, I would love you lol. Feel free to add me. Here's my before, when I lost all the weight, and I'll also show you the now.




And now;






  • Aaron949
    Aaron949 Posts: 86 Member
    You can definitely do it again, no doubt! I knocked out 45 pounds about 5 years ago, then gained it back and have struggled, so i'm fighting the same battle. Friend request sent!
  • Awesome! It's nice to have someone going through the same. You can do it! :)
  • I'm older than you, but have been through a similar experience. I had kids, gained weight. I weighed about what you do now. Lost down to 140. Kept it off for a very long time. But then there have been a lot of changes and stress in my life the past few years. I went to college, started a job after being a stay home mom for 15 years, and I've had close family members pass away. I am ready to make some changes and get back to being healthy.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Well you know how to do it so it should be a snap this time!
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    You can do it :-)
  • madamsparkle
    madamsparkle Posts: 3 Member
    Following this post and shooting a friend request! I'm 19 and due in January and have read so many stories of women not being able to lose the weight within a year of having their baby. I am SCARED! I was overweight by about 40ish pounds before I got pregnant and have only gained about 5 pounds since being pregnant. I'm hoping with breastfeeding, workouts and a decent diet, that I'll be able to shed the weight by the end of 2015. Good luck chic! You can do this!
  • I lost 50 pounds last year, I was doing so good then things at work got messed and I had to leave. Some much was changing around me that I forgot to take care of me, but I came back too and am excited to see how much better I can do now that I'm in a healthier environment. Friend request set!! Looking forward to sharing the progress with you!!We did it once we can do it again!!
  • You guys are all awesome, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has gone through this, and seeing this has deff helped a lot. You can all do it as well! I've only been doing this again since Monday, and I'm already feeling better!
  • Medivh73
    Medivh73 Posts: 140 Member
    You got this, Erica!
  • Jeanat147
    Jeanat147 Posts: 17 Member
    Doing it again (for about the fourth time) ugh. Good advice to me and for you....keep doing it until it sticks! You don't want the alternative. I praying this time is that time. I need/want to lose 40 lbs. Anyone else have advice on 2nd, 3rd, 4th timers?