Pains in soleus while running

Hi all, I'm after some advice for anyone who is a regular runner. I've started running again after a break of about 6 months, but I am now experiencing pains in my soleus while running. I've tried different types of running shoes to see if that will help the issue, but this doesn't seem to have had any affect. All of my runs are on a hard concrete surface, which probably has something to do with it.

Can anyone who has had a similar problem provide a solution or advice?


  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    Where is the pain located? Up towards the knee or closer to your calcaneus/Achilles?
  • grantevans11
    grantevans11 Posts: 114 Member
    The pain is closer to the knee, on the front outer side of my lower leg.
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    Soleus actually originates on the back of the knee right on the head of the fibula. There's another muscle on the outside of the knee that wraps into the back called the fibularis muscle ; does it hurt when you evert your foot? (Push to the inside, picking pinky toe up off the ground)

    If so, this could mean you are heavily pronating without support and straining that muscle.
  • grantevans11
    grantevans11 Posts: 114 Member
    No, it does not hurt when I do this. A heavy pronation sounds on the right lines, although I have well cushioned running shoes which I thought would prevent this issue.