Hello from Scotland

Hi all, Im really happy to be here. Ive been trying to loose about 16lbs for the last year, however my motivation isint great. I really struggle with exercise and Im a complete foodie who loves cooking and baking. I now however really want to sort myself out, and have a body i like. Any tips of motivation, yummy low fat meals would be a great help. :D


  • sandyp528
    sandyp528 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I have just started back up again. I joined last year and lost 18 pounds. Unfortunately I thought I could continue on my own and have gained it back! On a positive note, my son is currently studying in London and just returned from a visit to Scotland. He cannot say enough about it. He thinks Scotland is the most beautiful place in the world. His pictures were incredible.

    As far as the diet, be diligent about writing everything down. Also, stay at your designated calorie intake. You will see the calories available increase after you exercise, ignore this. Stay at the calories that were originally targeted for you.

    Good luck
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Hello There! It's all about measuring everything that goes in vs. out. So you can eat the things you love as long as you know your calorie intake. The one thing I found that is absolutely amazing and extremely filling is something called Shirataki noodles. These are tofu and generally in the refrigerated produce section here in the States. The great thing is you can eat a whole pack which is only 40 calories AND you can make them take on any taste you like. So being a foodie, you can experiment :smile: And when you're feeling hungry, drink water, drink water, and then drink more water. It does help.
  • hrtunstall
    hrtunstall Posts: 49 Member
    I am a foodie too! Love to cook lots of different cuisines & I live across the lake from New Orleans, so you know there is a total food culture here. MFP is great because you have the freedom to cook & eat as you like as long as you make it work with your daily calorie deficit. I have been doing this since July & eventhough I didn't track my weight the first 5 weeks (because I didn't really want to know what I weighed) based on my last doctor's visit, I have lost 22.8 pounds. That being said, I go for a daily 45 min. walk with my dog, a 30 min. bike ride & do kettlebell workouts (30 min.) 5 days a week. Look at exercise as an opportunity for you to spend some time with yourself, reflecting on your day, your upcoming schedule, life, God... The thing about eating at a calorie deficit is you don't have to exercise to lose weight -- but the more calories I burn, the more I can put to eating. Just remember the basics, if you can substitute nonstick spray for at least some of the butter or oil, do it. Have lots of fresh hardy soups & salads prepared in your fridge. Eat enough protein each day. This program is so livable. I never did anything about my creeping weight before because I thought diet would mean deprivation; not so with MFP, moderation & awareness yes, deprivation, no. If I want to eat something I know is high in calorie, I exercise a little bit more that day & eat really clean the other meals. I weigh in once a week, and if I have had a high calorie day, I average it out over the rest of the week. I know I sound a bit like an evangelist for MFP, but I feel so happy to have found a life style that works, I just want to share it with everybody! You can do this. Best of luck! B)