I'm Starting again but this time...

I have stronger determination to do it and I feel that is the key element to successful weight loss. I started a diet a few months ago and it went really well but of course I lost focus and I'm starting to put the weight on again. I so badly want to feel good about my body like I used to! Wish me luck guys! :happy:


  • borgi77
    borgi77 Posts: 61
    good luck Sally it is so hard to keep it up, I started back in Feb then lost 10 kilos then put 5 back story of my life but I am back for two weeks now and i feel so great! you can do it!!! lots of nice people around here to help.
  • jwhit6
    jwhit6 Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck Sally, you are right it is so hard to see thins thing as a long term/permanent life change - I started in January 2010 and delighted with weight loss - which now has not changed one ounce down or up for 4 weeks. Obviously I'm grateful for the latter, but am determined like you to kick start this again, get back into focus and enjoy the delight each week - when the scales show a shade lighter. Here in the UK the sunshine has finally started to say HI, I can't wait to get out my old summer dresses. Keep going girlie, the rewards will speak for themselves....